* feat: Change alts to alt
BREAKING CHANGE: VariantRecord.alts no longer contains a list, it has been changed to VariantRecord.alt ([`8e1dd86`](
* feat: Include variant_type in VariantRecord
BREAKING CHANGE: read_vcf() no longer returns a tuple of VariantType and VariantRecord. It now returns a list of just VariantRecord ([`2fe8b37`](
* feat: Remove INDEL_DEL and INDEL_INS
BREAKING CHANGE: Now INDEL_DEL and INDEL_INS are treated like DEL and INS ([`e7bbd40`](
* feat: Add length field to VariantRecord ([`9a0e446`](
* feat: Add `qual` field ([`4d23686`](
* feat: Add only_pass parameter ([`39d7b41`](
* feat: Add support for SGLs (1) ([`f3621c0`](
* feat: Import implementation ([`8a676e7`](
* fix: Divide INV into bracket notation ([`c18a40c`](
* fix: Fix SGL regex ([`b58c867`](
* fix: Complete the documentation ([`fbe5c4d`](
* fix: Add support for dots in bracket notation ([`e4dc00b`](
* fix: Fix import path ([`a9db147`](