- Added `func` parameter to `SAPRFC`
- Added `SAPRFCToADLS` flow which downloads data from SAP Database to to a pandas DataFrame, exports df to csv and uploads it to Azure Data Lake.
- Added `adls_file_name` in `SupermetricsToADLS` and `SharepointToADLS` flows
- Added `BigQueryToADLS` flow class which anables extract data from BigQuery.
- Added `Salesforce` source
- Added `SalesforceUpsert` task
- Added `SalesforceBulkUpsert` task
- Added C4C secret handling to `CloudForCustomersReportToADLS` flow (`c4c_credentials_secret` parameter)
- Fixed `get_flow_last_run_date()` incorrectly parsing the date
- Fixed C4C secret handling (tasks now correctly read the secret as the credentials, rather than assuming the secret is a container for credentials for all environments and trying to access specific key inside it). In other words, tasks now assume the secret holds credentials, rather than a dict of the form `{env: credentials, env2: credentials2}`
- Fixed `utils.gen_bulk_insert_query_from_df()` failing with > 1000 rows due to INSERT clause limit by chunking the data into multiple INSERTs
- Fixed `get_flow_last_run_date()` incorrectly parsing the date
- Fixed `MultipleFlows` when one flow is passed and when last flow fails.