- Added support for parquet in `AzureDataLakeToDF`
- Added proper logging to the `RunGreatExpectationsValidation` task
- Added the `viz` Prefect extra to requirements to allow flow visualizaion
- Added a few utility tasks in `task_utils`
- Added `geopy` dependency
- Tasks:
- `AzureDataLakeList` - for listing files in an ADLS directory
- Flows:
- `ADLSToAzureSQL` - promoting files to conformed, operations,
creating an SQL table and inserting the data into it
- `ADLSContainerToContainer` - copying files between ADLS containers
- Renamed `ReadAzureKeyVaultSecret` and `RunAzureSQLDBQuery` tasks to match Prefect naming style
- Flows:
- `SupermetricsToADLS` - changed csv to parquet file extension. File and schema info are loaded to the `RAW` container.
- Removed the broken version autobump from CI