See viperleed-betatest repository for executable.
- added an optional parameter BULK_LIKE_BELOW that can be used to automatically detect N_BULK_LAYERS, LAYER_CUTS and BULK_REPEAT from the POSCAR file. See documentation for details.
- added a parameter AVERAGE_BEAMS that allows switching off the averaging of equivalent beams, or to average according to a different beam incidence than given by BEAM_INCIDENCE. **Note:** Correct averaging for off-perpendicular beam incidence is currently not supported, but will be fixed in an upcoming release!
- RUN parameter now allows string aliases for the different segments, e.g. "ref" for reference calculation, "init" for initialization, etc. See documentation for details.
- added a parameter in TensErLEED v1.71 search input search.steu that allows switching off the hash table storage of past configurations. This may slightly affect performance for long-running searches with few parameters, but improves performance in most cases, and saves some memory. However, PARABOLA_FIT cannot be used since the necessary data output will be missing. tleedm will switch storage off if PARABOLA_FIT is off.
**Minor changes:**
- turned PARABOLA_FIT off by default (as it affected performance and was not very reliable)
- made POSCAR output preserve the scaling factor of the input POSCAR, instead of always setting scaling to 1.
- Input files PARAMETERS, DISPLACEMENTS and VIBROCC now accept characters "%" and "" to indicate the beginning of a comment, in addition to "!"
- changed default of ATTENTUATION_EPS to 0.001
- checked the non-parallelized search modules of TensErLEED, and made ViPErLEED use those for single-node jobs if no fortran MPI compiler is present. Therefore, it is now possible to run ViPErLEED for simple systems without installing an MPI compiler, although this is not recommended for serious operation.
- fixed a bug in ViPErLEED that led to variations of concentrations being ignored in DISPLACEMENTS if the initial site occupation was mixed
- fixed a bug that led to incorrect comparison of experimental and theoretical beams in R-factor calculation if experimental beams were dropped (due to missing theoretical counterpart)
- fixed several issues with TensErLEED v1.71, and with ViPErLEED reading TensErLEED results with modified formatting.
- fixed an issue in TensErLEED superpos that would add an additional header line to the output spec.out if more than 200 Delta files were used