**Feature changes:**
- *tleedm*: Added automatic detection of the bulk repeat vector: As long as the bulk is defined correctly by N_BULK_LAYERS (and LAYER_CUTS, if necessary), and there is a sufficiently bulk-like layer directly above the bulk, the bulk repeat vector is now detected automatically (if not defined manually), and written to PARAMETERS during initialization. See documentation on BULK_REPEAT parameter for details.
- *tleedm*: Renamed _BEAMLIST file to BEAMLIST. The BEAMLIST is now treated as an AUX file. This is more consistent with the other input/aux/output files, as the BEAMLIST is always re-generated at initialization, and cannot be supplied by the user directly.
- *tleedm*: Renamed _PHASESHIFTS to PHASESHIFTS. The underscore was originally meant to highlight that the _PHASESHIFTS file may have been generated automatically, and is not a required input file, but this distinction is no longer helpful.
- *gui*: Add pre-release notice via a popup at startup
**Bug fixes:**
- *tleedm*: Resolved a bug that would reset search population to random configurations and then stop. This happened when the search reached "partial convergence" before the SD.TL file had been read, if simultaneously the control.chem file was corrupt or nonexistent.
- *gui*: fix bug that prevented from saving input files
- *gui*: fix bug that swapped bulk and surface cells in the header of exported pattern files