Source changes
* Improved docstrings that follow numpy's format have now been added to all public classes, methods and functions in the source code. These are linked to the sphinx documentation in `vuba/docs` for the API reference.
* All source code is now formatted to follow the black code style.
* `BaseGUI.process` has now been changed to `BaseGUI.method` to avoid namespace conflicts.
* The image IO module has now been renamed to `imio` to avoid conflicts with the built-in `io` module.
* Index or slice parameters are now required for reading frames in `` to stop cryptic behaviour of this method.
* The class `Writer` now requires the output string first, followed by an optional instance of `Video`. This re-ordering of arguments has been done to better reflect the functionality of this class. Additionally, the `fourcc` argument has been renamed to `codec`.
* Improved logic for handling of codecs if none are supplied to `Writer`.
* Addition of warnings to `Writer.write` to notify users when frames have been altered for successful encoding.
* Mask constructors now integrate the drawing functions **vuba** provides so that multiple shapes can be supplied to `rect_mask` and `circle_mask`.
This the first release that has documentation, albeit partially complete. Documentation is now located in `docs/` and takes inspiration from `xarray's` documentation style and structure.
Vuba 0.2.0 is now up on PyPi in the form of a pre-built wheel as well as source code.
Example scripts
Example scripts have now all been updated to run vuba instead of the now deprecated cvu.