- Fix more network handling issues causing runs to be marked crashed (wandb sync to recover) - Improve logging and exception handling to improve reporting and logging of crashed processes
Not secure
:bug: Bug Fix
- Fix network handling issue causing runs to be marked crashed (wandb sync to recover) - Use `register_full_backward_hook` to support models with Dict outputs - Allow periods in table columns - Fix artifact cache collisions when using forked processes - Fix issue where custom charts do not display properly with pytorch-lightning
:nail_care: Enhancement
- Add experimental incremental artifact support - Improve warnings when logging is being rate limited
Not secure
:bug: Bug Fix
- Fix tensorboard_sync condition where metrics at end of short run are dropped - Fix `wandb sync` when tensorboard files are detected - Fix api key prompt in databricks notebook
:nail_care: Enhancement
- Integrate DSViz into Keras WandbCallback - Add support for conda dependencies (user submit)
Not secure
:bug: Bug Fix
- Fix network handling issue where syncing stopped (use wandb sync to recover) - Fix auth problem when using sagemaker and hugginface integrations together - Fix handling of NaN values in tables with non floats - Lazy load API object to prevent unnecessary file access on module load
:nail_care: Enhancement
- Improve error messages when using public api history accessors
Not secure
:bug: Bug Fix
- Fix possible artifact cache race when using parallel artifact reads - Fix artifact reference when `checksum=False`
:nail_care: Enhancement
- Release `run.define_metric()` to simplify custom x-axis and more - Add column operators `add_column`, `get_column`, `get_index` to `wandb.Table()`
Not secure
:bug: Bug Fix
- Significant fixes to stdout/stderr console logging - Prevent excessive network when saving files with policy=`live` - Fix errors when trying to send large updates (most common with `wandb sync`)
:nail_care: Enhancement
- Automatically generate `run_table` artifact for logged tables - Add bracket notation to artifacts - Improve URL validation when specifying server url to `wandb login`