
Latest version: v0.19.1

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Not secure
:nail_care: Enhancement

- PyTorch
- Added a new `wandb.hook_torch` method which records the graph and logs gradients & parameters of pytorch models
- `wandb.Image` detects pytorch tensors and uses **torchvision.utils.make_grid** to render the image.

:bug: Bug Fix

- `wandb restore` handles the case of not being run from within a git repo.


Not secure
:bug: Bug Fix

- We now open stdout and stderr in raw mode in Python 2 ensuring tools like bpdb work.


Not secure
:nail_care: Enhancement

- Catastrophic errors are now reported to Sentry unless WANDB_ERROR_REPORTING is set to false
- Improved error handling and messaging on startup


Not secure
:bug: Bug Fix

- The first image when calling wandb.log was not being written, now it is
- `wandb.log` and `run.summary` now remove whitespace from keys


Not secure
:bug: Bug Fix

- Vendored prompt_toolkit < 1.0.15 because the latest ipython is pinned > 2.0
- Lazy load wandb.h5 only if `summary` is accessed to improve Data API performance

:nail_care: Enhancement

- Jupyter
- Deprecated `wandb.monitor` in favor of automatically starting system metrics after the first wandb.log call
- Added new **%%wandb** jupyter magic method to display live results
- Removed jupyter description iframe
- The Data API now supports `per_page` and `order` options to the `api.runs` method
- Initial support for wandb.Table logging
- Initial support for matplotlib logging

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