
Latest version: v10.0

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- **NEW**: `globsplit` and `fnsplit` have been deprecated. Users are encouraged to use the new `SPLIT` flag to allow functions to use multiple wildcard paths delimited by `|`.
- **NEW**: `globmatch` and `globfilter` will now parse provided paths as real paths if the new `REALPATH` flag is set. This has the advantage of allowing the commands to be aware of symlinks and properly apply related logic (whether to follow the links or not). It also helps to clarify ambiguous cases where it isn't clear if a file path references a directory because the trailing slash was omitted. It also allows the command to be aware of Windows drives evaluate the path in proper context compared to the current working directory.
- **NEW**: `WcMatch` class no longer accepts the `recursive` or `show_hidden` parameter, instead the `RECURSIVE` or `HIDDEN` flag must be used.
- **NEW**: `WcMatch` class now can search symlink directories with the new `SYMLINK` flag.
- **NEW**: `glob` and `iglob` functions now behave like Bash 5.0 in regards to symlinks in `GLOBSTAR` (`**`). `GLOBSTAR` will ignore symlink directories. This affects other functions such as `globmatch` and `globfilter` when the `REALPATH` flag is enabled.
- **NEW**: New flag called `FOLLOW` was added to force related `glob` commands to recognize and follow symlink directories.
- **FIX**: Fix `glob` regression where inverse patterns such as `!**/test/**` would allow a directory `base/test` to match when it should have excluded it.
- **FIX**: `glob` should handle root paths (`/`) properly, and on Windows, it should assume the drive of the current working directory.


- **FIX**: `EXTMATCH`/`EXTGLOB` should allow literal dots and should not treat dots like sequences do.
- **FIX**: Fix `!(...)` extended match patterns in `glob` and `globmatch` so that they properly match `.` and `..` if their pattern starts with `.`.
- **FIX**: Fix `!(...)` extended match patterns so that they handle path separators correctly.
- **FIX**: Patterns such as `?` or `[.]` should not trigger matching directories `.` and `..` in `glob` and `globmatch`.


- **NEW**: Officially support Python 3.8.


- **NEW**: Deprecate `version` and `version_info` in favor of the more standard `__version__` and `__version_info__`.
- **FIX**: Fix issue where negated patterns would trigger before end of path.
- **FIX**: Fix `GLOBSTAR` regular expression pattern issues.


- **FIX**: In `glob`, properly handle files in the current working directory when give a literal pattern that matches it.


- **FIX**: `wcmatch` override events (`on_error` and `on_skip`) should verify the return is **not None** and not **not falsy**.

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