WhatsHap has not seen a release in over a year although development has continued. To make up for
it, we decided to leave `ZeroVer <https://0ver.org/>`_ behind and set the version number to 1.0.
* WhatsHap has gained initial support for phasing polyploid samples! While this feature may not be
quite ready for production use, we encourage you to test it by using the ``whatshap polyphase``
subcommand and to report any issues you find back to us. See also the pre-print at
<https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.04.933523> for details.
* :issue:`51`: Reading and writing VCF files is now significantly faster because we switched
to a different library for that task (``pysam.VariantFile``).
* The switch to ``pysam.VariantFile`` also makes WhatsHap stricter in which VCF files it accepts.
We have tried to give sensible error messages in these cases, but please report any remaining
* ``.bcf`` files can now be read and written.
* :issue:`110`: ``.vcf.gz`` output files are now compressed with bgzip so that they can be
indexed with tabix.
* Providing an indexed reference FASTA is now mandatory (with ``-r`` or ``--reference``). It
is possible to bypass this by using ``--no-reference``, but that will disable realignment and
therefore give worse phasing results on error-prone reads (PacBio, Nanopore).
* :issue:`187`: Implemented a ``--regions`` option for the ``haplotag`` subcommand.
* Implemented a ``--discard-unknown-reads`` option for the ``split`` subcommand. Reads that are in
the input reads file (BAM/FASTQ), but are not listed in the haplotag file will be
discarded (by default, they are part of the "untagged" output).
* Fixed :issue:`215`. ``split`` subcommand can now process ``.bam`` files lacking the
``sequence`` field for some/all reads.
* The minimum required Python version for WhatsHap is now 3.6.