* Add option ``--plot-sum-of-blocksizes`` to ``whatshap compare``.
* Fix in ``whatshap stats``: sometimes returned wrong N50 values if the end
position of the last block of a chromosome was larger than the starting position
of the first block of the next chromosome.
* :issue:`173`: The ``haplotag`` command should now be able to properly write
CRAM files.
* :issue:`177`: Option ``--ignore-read-groups`` did not work when phased blocks
(VCF) were provided as input.
* :issue:`122`: Add ``--ignore-read-groups`` and ``--samples`` options to ``haplotag``.
* Integration of the HapChat algorithm as an alternative MEC solver, available
through ``whatshap phase --algorithm=hapchat``. Contributed by the HapChat
team, see https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-018-2253-8.
* This is the last release of WhatsHap to support Python 3.4.