----- * Patch: Fix issue with punctuations ending up in the wrong location.
----- * Patch: Changed how paragraphs are (re)constructed. This means there are no longer trailing spaces, and links can now be followed by punctuations. * Patch: Fix `Member Function Description` -> `Member Function Descriptions`.
----- * Patch: Fix issue with links to free functions without scopes. The label is now ``function()`` rather than ``None::functions()``.
----- * Minor: Added the WurfapiTarget directive for generating labels with default captions. This allows function and other entities to be linked easily without the need for creating e.g. a section or manually adding the label caption (as described here: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/2025).
----- * Minor: Added user data option for templates. * Patch: Add fix to mitigate a doxygen bug which causes member functions that shares the name a type to be linked as the parameter type in other member functions. * Major: Changed location info to contain only a line instead of line-start and line-end. Location should point to where something is declared. Later we may add a body-location which point to the definition. Previously we were mixing the body location and that meant line numbers came from different files and therefore were wrong. * Minor: Added the 'define' element to the API.
----- * Patch: Fix issue with context missing when using function_synopsis.