* Major: Change api_sort jinja2 helper to support accessing nested items in
api dictionary.
* Minor: Change the default sort of members to match where they are declared
in the hpp file.
* Major: Update location information to contain both path within project, and
an optional include path.
* Minor: Enabeling support of user templates.
* Minor: Add link to bool type
* Major: Adding inline namespace support.
* Major: Add template support
* Major: Made function return values optional - such that constructors and
destructors will not have that key.
* Patch: Fix extra white space when printing constructor and destructors.
* Major: Make value attributes optional
* Major: Make name of parameters optional
* Major: Enforce scope as either a string or None
* Major: Make link attribute optional.
* Major: Added schema checking of parsed API json
* Major: Added link provider functionality and default mappings to cppreference.
* Major: Support both internal and external links.
* Patch: Fix variable constexpr / const parsing.
* Major: Split variables into static and non-static and only present the table.
* Major: Made type a list or items
* Minor: Improved link finding (more links to known types)
* Major: Made the type and location element uniform.
* Major: Changed certain elements' `type` key to kind.
* Minor: Support for variables
* Minor: Support for typedef and using in classes and structs
* Major: Allow multiple source paths to be specified.
* Minor: Adding support for lists (ordered and unordered).
* Patch: Fix parameter types in cases where Doxygen made them a link.
* Minor: Add sorting capabilities using the api_sort jinja2 filter.
* Major: Change api_filter function to be a jinja2 filter.
* Major: Changed way return value information is stored in the API dictionary.
* Minor: Add patch_api support for Doxygen. To allow manually patching Doxygen
output if incorrect.
* Patch: Fix space in project name when constructing XML output path