
Latest version: v0.7.1

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New features
- Add support for not creating multi-indexes in :func:`xoa.coords.geo_stack`.

Bug fixes
- Fix :func:`xoa.geo.get_distances` that was not able to handle multi-indexes from :func:`xoa.coords.geo_stack`.
- Fix doc generation [:pull:`83`].
- Fix :func:`xoa.sigma.get_cs` to keep it compatible with pure numpy arrays

- Add a link to the github repository.



New features
- Add issue and pull request templates.
- Add the :func:`xoa.filter.smooth` function [:pull:`76`].
- Improved the default `sig` and `std` parameter values for filter windows that accept them [:pull:`76`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.plot.plot_minimap` and :func:`xoa.plot.plot_double_minimap` functions to display the geographic situation of a set of coordinates [:pull:`73`].
- Add support for the `min_extent` keyword to :func:`xoa.geo.get_extent` [:pull:`73`]
- Add dask support to :mod:`xoa.sigma` sigma to depth converters [:pull:`72`].
- Add the :mod:`xoa.num` module that contains low level numeric utilities.
- Add the :func:`xoa.thermdyn.mixed_layer_depth` function to compute the mixed layer depth with three different methods [:pull:`67`, :pull:`75`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.thermdyn.is_temp`, :func:`xoa.thermdyn.is_sal` and :func:`xoa.thermdyn.is_dens` functions to infer if an array of temperature, salinity or density type, and added the related :func:`xoa.thermdyn.get_temp`, :func:`xoa.thermdyn.get_sal` and :func:`xoa.thermdyn.get_dens` function to search in datasets[:pull:`67`, :pull:`79`].
- Add `kernel_kwargs` keyword to :func:`xoa.filter.convolve` to better control the kernel generation by :func:`xoa.filter.generate_kernel` [:pull:`64`].
- Add inference of parameters for some window functions, like the gaussian shape, in :func:`xoa.filter.get_window_func` [:pull:`64`].
- Add :func:`xoa.regrid.isoslice` based on :func:`xoa.interp.isoslice` core function [:pull:`63`].

Breaking changes
- :func:`~xoa.filter.get_window_func` now accepts only one positional argument and all other arguments must be named.

Bug fixes
- Fix :func:`xoa.cfgm.is_boolstr` which now supports the new :mod:`configobj`.
- Fix broadcasting :mod:`xoa.interp` 1d interpolation routines [:issue:`69`].
- Fix :func:`xoa.sigma.get_sigma_terms` so that it works in case of multiple levels coordinates [:pull:`60`].
- Fix :func:`xoa.grid.to_rect` that now infers coordinates and can emit a warning or raise an error.

- Add an example of `xoa.plot.plot_double_minimap` to :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_plot_mercator_argo.py` and :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_plot_hycom_gdp.py` examples [:pull:`73`].
- Add an example of `xoa.thermdyn.mixed_layer_depth` to :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_plot_croco_section.py` example [:pull:`67`].



New features
- Add a warning to :func:`xoa.open_data_sample` that is emitted when the requested file is not an internal data sample [:pull:`47`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.plot.add_shadow`, :func:`xoa.plot.add_glow` and :func:`xoa.plot.add_lightshading` function to add path effects to plots [:pull:`44`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.plot.plot_ts` function to make T-S diagrams [:pull:`43`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.filter.demerliac` function to apply a Dermerliac filter to time serie [:pull:`41`].
- Add support for fine tuning masking in :func:`xoa.filter.convolve` through the `na_thres` parameter [:pull:`41`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.geo.cdist` and :func:`xoa.geo.pdist` functions to compute haversine distances respectively between two dataset and with a dataset [:pull:`40`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.coords.geo_stack` function to stack longitudes and latitudes into another dimension, in a dataset or data array [:pull:`40`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.filter.decimate` function to crudely undersample a geographic dataset or data array with a radius of proximity [:pull:`40`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.geo.get_distances` to compute the Haversine distances between locations inside a single dataset or between txo datasets [:pull:`40`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.krig.empirical_variogram` function to estimate variogram parameters.
- Add the :class:`xoa.krig.VariogramModel` to manage a variogram model [:pull:`40`].
- Add the :class:`xoa.krig.Kriger` and :func:`xoa.krig.krig` to perform kriging [:pull:`40`].
- Add the `exclude` option to data var and coordinate specifications of :class:`xoa.cf.CFSpecs` instances [:pull:`38`].

Breaking changes
- A single Nan now contaminates the data over the kernel emprise in :func:`xoa.filter.convolve` since `na_thres` is set to zero by default [:pull:`40`].
- xoa now requires the :mod:`gsw` package.

Bug fixes
- Fix :func:`xoa.regrid.regrid1d` so that it works now with time coordinates [:pull:`48`].
- Fix :func:`xoa.regrid.grid2loc` so that it works with scalar output coordinates.
- Fix :func:`xoa.regrid.regrid1d` to prevent conflict in the presence of MultiIndexes.
- Fix search for coordinates that are hidden due to :meth:`xarray.DataArray.stack`.

- Add the :ref:`Compare Mercator to ARGO <sphx_glr_examples_plot_mercator_argo.py>` example.



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New features
- Switch the CI workflow to github [:pull:`36`].

Bug fixes
- Fix :meth:`xoa.cf.CFSpecs.to_loc` that which failing with dataset [:pull:`23`].



New features
- Add the `hlocs` argument to :func:`xoa.sigma.get_sigma_terms` and :func:`xoa.sigma.decode_cf_sigma` to decode at several horizontal staggered grid locations [:pull:`34`].
- Add the `edges` argument to :func:`xoa.regrid.regrid1d` to manually specify the edges that are used by the "cellave" regridding method [:pull:`34`].
- Add back the `loc` argument to the formatting methods of :mod:`xoa.cf` [:pull:`34`].
- Add dimension checking and support for dask arrays in :mod:`xoa.sigma` [:pull:`34`].
- Expose a few options of :meth:`xoa.cfgm.ConfigManager` to the :func:`xoa.cfgm.cfgargparse` function.
- Add the :confval:`cfgm_cfg_file` sphinx configuration option to save the default configuration of a :meth:`xoa.cfgm.ConfigManager`.

Bug fixes
- Fix :func:`xoa.regrid.regrid1d` with "cellave" method [:pull:`34`].
- Fix :meth:`xoa.cf.CFSpecs.get_location_mapping` for coordinates that have no axis attribute specifications [:pull:`34`].
- Fix :func:`xoa.grid.dz2depth` that was not working properly with 4D+ arrays [:pull:`34`].

Breaking changes
- The `loc` argument of :func:`xoa.sigma.get_sigma_terms` is renamed `vloc` [:pull:`34`].

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