* Square brackets can now be used in command arguments without quotes (e.g. `echo a[b]`)
* Add ``XONSH_BASH_PATH_OVERRIDE`` option (off-by-default) to override what is
returned by `xonsh.platform.bash_command`.
* Added PATH.prepend(path) to add path to the beginning.
* Xonsh AppImage now on Python 3.12 that works faster.
* Xonsh AppImage: pinned prompt-toolkit version until fix upstream issue.
* Builtin aliases (xontrib, history) switched to threadable mode.
* EnvPath methods (append, remove, add, insert) prepare the path before action.
* Replaced black formatter with `ruff-format <https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/>`_
* ``source_foreign_fn`` now does not run subshells in interactive mode, so
associated RC files like ``zshrc`` and ``bashrc`` will not be auto-loaded on
* Removed usage of deprecated ``cgi`` module
* Removed ``ArgParserAlias.hook_pre_add_argument``, ``ArgParserAlias.hook_post_add_argument``.
Please use custom action instead to modify the argument options.
* Removed deprecated module ``xonsh.proc``
* Fixed an issue with completions when using absolute paths to commands and having $UPDATE_COMPLETIONS_ON_KEYPRESS set to True. https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/5127
* Jobs: fixed "index out of range" exception.
* Expressions like ``2>1`` are now parsed correctly as Python code instead of being treated like special io-redirection operators.
* Redirect tokens in quotes (e.g. ">", "2>", "2>1") are now correctly passed to commands as regular arguments.
* Fixed NotADirectoryError during load dircolors.
* Fixed a bug that caused ``xonfig web`` to overwrite its own configuration file. See https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/5297
* If an error is encountered while loading the xonshrc file, the traceback is now output as plain text rather than as a list of Tokens
* Gil Forsyth
* Noortheen Raja
* anki-code
* pre-commit-ci[bot]
* Peter Ye
* dependabot[bot]
* l-no