* key_bindings: map `escape-f` as another word completer for macOS
* Added ``history pull`` command to SQLite history backend to pull the history from parallel sessions and add to the current session.
* Add support for `Semantic Prompt <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/Per_Bothner/specifications/blob/master/proposals/semantic-prompts.md>`_ for line continuations in multiline prompts via two environment variables: ``$MULTILINE_PROMPT_PRE`` (e.g., ``\x01\x1b]133;P;k=c\x07\x02``), and ``$MULTILINE_PROMPT_POS`` (e.g., ``\x01\x1b]133;B\x07\x02``) that are inserted before/after each continuation line 'dots' block to mark input
* Wheels for Python 3.11 are part of the automated release action
* Added ``chdir`` to ``xonsh.tools``. This allows to use ``with chdir("dir"):`` to run commands block in the certain directory without manually cd-ing.
* Display the current branch of Fossil VCS checkouts in the prompt,
similar to git and hg.
* Added link to xonsh on Mastodon - https://mastodon.online/xonsh
* xontrib load: added option ``-s`` to skip warning about not installed xontribs.
* Altered documentation for xonshrc to remove Python REPL prompts so that you can copy the code without having to edit it.
* xonsh AppImage - bumped python to 3.11
* The prompt end character switched to `.
* The `command not found` error will show the ``repr(cmd)`` to uncover the cases when the command name has ``\n``, ``\t`` or not visible color codes and raises the error.
* ``abbrevs`` xontrib transferred to `xontrib-abbrevs <https://github.com/xonsh/xontrib-abbrevs>`_.
* ``bashisms`` xontrib transferred to `xontrib-bashisms <https://github.com/xonsh/xontrib-bashisms>`_.
* ``free_cwd`` xontrib transferred to `xontrib-free-cwd <https://github.com/xonsh/xontrib-free-cwd>`_.
* ``whole_word_jumping`` xontrib transferred to `xontrib-whole-word-jumping <https://github.com/xonsh/xontrib-whole-word-jumping>`_.
* ``fish_completer`` xontrib transferred to `xontrib-fish-completer <https://github.com/xonsh/xontrib-fish-completer>`_.
* ``vox``, ``autovox``, ``voxapi`` xontribs transferred to `xontrib-vox <https://github.com/xonsh/xontrib-vox>`_.
* ``pdb``, ``xog`` xontribs transferred to `xontrib-debug-tools <https://github.com/xonsh/xontrib-debug-tools>`_.
* Fixed xpip alias for xonsh AppImage.
* Fixed missing ``webconfig/js/xonsh_sticker.svg`` in ``xonfig web``.
* update load_xontrib pytest fixture to handle auto-loaded xontribs
* Suppress subprocess traceback on exception in case ``$XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK=False`` with ``$RAISE_SUBPROC_ERROR=True``.
* Improve the error message when ``$RAISE_SUBPROC_ERROR`` is set to True.
* Fixed xontrib-jupyter to work in JupyterLab and terminal-based `Euporie <https://github.com/joouha/euporie>`_ environment.
* Gil Forsyth
* Noortheen Raja
* anki-code
* pre-commit-ci[bot]
* Evgeny
* Mark Bestley
* Samuel Dion-Girardeau
* doronz88
* Ivan Ogasawara
* Tobias Becker
* AkshayWarrier
* Thomas Hess
* kouhe3