
Latest version: v0.10.1

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Contributors to this version: Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Sarah-Claude Bourdeau-Goulet (:user:`sarahclaude`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Marco Braun (:user:`vindelico`).

* `xscen` now adheres to PEPs 517/518/621 using the `setuptools` and `setuptools-scm` backend for building and packaging. (:pull:`292`).

New features and enhancements
* New function ``xscen.indicators.select_inds_for_avail_vars`` to filter the indicators that can be calculated with the variables available in a ``xarray.Dataset``. (:pull:`291`).
* Replaced aggregation function ``climatological_mean()`` with ``climatological_op()`` offering more types of operations to aggregate over climatological periods. (:pull:`290`)
* Added the ability to search for simulations that reach a given warming level. (:pull:`251`).
* ``xs.spatial_mean`` now accepts the ``region="global"`` keyword to perform a global average (:issue:`94`, :pull:`260`).
* ``xs.spatial_mean`` with ``method='xESMF'`` will also automatically segmentize polygons (down to a 1° resolution) to ensure a correct average (:pull:`260`).
* Added documentation for `require_all_on` in `search_data_catalogs`. (:pull:`263`).
* ``xs.save_to_table`` and ``xs.io.to_table`` to transform datasets and arrays to DataFrames, but with support for multi-columns, multi-sheets and localized table of content generation.
* Better ``xs.extract.resample`` : support for weighted resampling operations when starting with frequencies coarser than daily and missing timesteps/values handling. (:issue:`80`, :issue:`93`, :pull:`265`).
* New argument ``attribute_weights`` to ``generate_weights`` to allow for custom weights. (:pull:`252`).
* ``xs.io.round_bits`` to round floating point variable up to a number of bits, allowing for a better compression. This can be combined with the saving step through argument ``"bitround"`` of ``save_to_netcdf`` and ``save_to_zarr``. (:pull:`266`).
* Added annual global tas timeseries for CMIP6's models CMCC-ESM2 (ssp245, ssp370, ssp585), EC-Earth3-CC (ssp245, ssp585), KACE-1-0-G (ssp245, ssp370, ssp585) and TaiESM1 (ssp245, ssp370). Moved global tas database to a netCDF file. (:issue:`268`, :pull:`270`).
* Implemented support for multiple levels and models in ``xs.subset_warming_level``. Better support for `DataArray` and `DataFrame` in ``xs.get_warming_level``. (:pull:`270`).
* Added the ability to directly provide an ensemble dataset to ``xs.ensemble_stats``. (:pull:`299`).
* Added support in ``xs.ensemble_stats`` for the new robustness-related functions available in `xclim`. (:pull:`299`).
* New function ``xs.ensembles.get_partition_input`` (:pull:`289`).

Breaking changes
* ``climatological_mean()`` has been replaced with ``climatological_op()`` and will be abandoned in a future version. (:pull:`290`)
* ``experiment_weights`` argument in ``generate_weights`` was renamed to ``balance_experiments``. (:pull:`252`).
* New argument ``attribute_weights`` to ``generate_weights`` to allow for custom weights. (:pull:`252`).
* For a sequence of models, the output of ``xs.get_warming_level`` is now a list. Revert to a dictionary with ``output='selected'`` (:pull:`270`).
* The global average temperature database is now a netCDF, custom databases must follow the same format (:pull:`270`).

Bug fixes
* Fixed a bug in ``xs.search_data_catalogs`` when searching for fixed fields and specific experiments/members. (:pull:`251`).
* Fixed a bug in the documentation build configuration that prevented stable/latest and tagged documentation builds from resolving on ReadTheDocs. (:pull:`256`).
* Fixed ``get_warming_level`` to avoid incomplete matches. (:pull:`269`).
* `search_data_catalogs` now eliminates anything that matches any entry in `exclusions`. (:issue:`275`, :pull:`280`).
* Fixed a bug in ``xs.scripting.save_and_update`` where ``build_path_kwargs`` was ignored when trying to guess the file format. (:pull:`282`).
* Add a warning to ``xs.extract._dispatch_historical_to_future``. (:issue:`286`, :pull:`287`).
* Modify use_cftime for the calendar conversion in ``to_dataset``. (:issue:`303`, :pull:`289`).

Internal changes
* Continued work on adding tests. (:pull:`251`).
* Fixed `pre-commit`'s `pretty-format-json` hook so that it ignores notebooks. (:pull:`254`).
* Fixed the labeler so docs/CI isn't automatically added for contributions by new collaborators. (:pull:`254`).
* Made it so that `tests` are no longer treated as an installable package. (:pull:`248`).
* Renamed the pytest marker from ``requires_docs`` to ``requires_netcdf``. (:pull:`248`).
* Included the documentation in the source distribution, while excluding the NetCDF files. (:pull:`248`).
* Reduced the size of the files in ``/docs/notebooks/samples`` and changed the notebooks and tests accordingly. (:issue:`247`, :pull:`248`).
* Added a new `xscen.testing` module with the `datablock_3d` function previously located in ``/tests/conftest.py``. (:pull:`248`).
* New function `xscen.testing.fake_data` to generate fake data for testing. (:pull:`248`).
* xESMF 0.8 Regridder and SpatialAverager argument ``out_chunks`` is now accepted by ``xs.regrid_dataset`` and ``xs.spatial_mean``. (:pull:`260`).
* Testing, Packaging, and CI adjustments. (:pull:`274`):
* `xscen` builds now install in a `tox` environment with `conda`-provided `ESMF` in GitHub Workflows.
* `tox` now offers a method for installing esmpy from a tag/branch (via ESMF_VERSION environment variable).
* `$ make translate` is now called on ReadTheDocs and within `tox`.
* Linters are now called by order of most common failures first, to speed up the CI.
* `Manifest.in` is much more specific about what is installed.
* Re-adds a dev recipe to the `setup.py`.
* Multiple improvements to the docstrings and type annotations. (:pull:`282`).
* `pip check` in conda builds in GitHub workflows have been temporarily set to always pass. (:pull:`288`).
* The `cookiecutter` template has been updated to the latest commit via `cruft`. (:pull:`292`):
* `setup.py` has been mostly hollowed-out, save for the `babel`-related translation function.
* `pyproject.toml` has been added, with most package configurations migrated into it.
* `HISTORY.rst` has been renamed to `CHANGES.rst`.
* `actions-version-updater.yml` has been added to automate the versioning of the package.
* `pre-commit` hooks have been updated to the latest versions; `check-toml` and `toml-sort` have been added to cleanup the `pyproject.toml` file, and `check-json-schema` has been added to ensure GitHub and ReadTheDocs workflow files are valid.
* `ruff` has been added to the linting tools to replace most `flake8` and `pydocstyle` verifications.
* `tox` builds are more pure Python environment/PyPI-friendly.
* `xscen` now uses `Trusted Publishing` for TestPyPI and PyPI uploads.
* Linting checks now examine the testing folder, function complexity, and alphabetical order of `__all__` lists. (:pull:`292`).
* ``publish_release_notes`` now uses better logic for finding and reformatting the `CHANGES.rst` file. (:pull:`292`).
* ``bump2version`` version-bumping utility was replaced by ``bump-my-version``. (:pull:`292`).
* Documentation build checks no longer fail due to broken external links; Notebooks are now nested and numbered. (:pull:`304`).


* Update dependencies by removing ``pygeos``, pinning ``shapely>=2`` and ``intake-esm>=2023.07.07`` as well as other small fixes to the environment files. (:pull:`243`).
* Fix ``xs.aggregate.spatial_mean`` with method ``cos-lat`` when the data is on a rectilinear grid. (:pull:`243`).

Internal changes
* Added a workflow that removes obsolete GitHub Workflow caches from merged pull requests. (:pull:`250`).
* Added a workflow to perform automated labeling of pull requests, dependent on the files changed. (:pull:`250`).


Contributors to this version: Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Marco Braun (:user:`vindelico`).

* Dropped support for Python 3.8, added support for 3.11. (:pull:`199`, :pull:`222`).
* `xscen` is now available on `conda-forge <https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/xscen>`_, and can be installed with ``conda install -c conda-forge xscen``. (:pull:`241`)

New features and enhancements
* `xscen` now tracks code coverage using `coveralls <https://coveralls.io/>`_. (:pull:`187`).
* New function `get_warming_level` to search within the IPCC CMIP global temperatures CSV without requiring data. (:issue:`208`, :pull:`210`).
* File re-structuration from catalogs with ``xscen.catutils.build_path``. (:pull:`205`, :pull:`237`).
* New scripting functions `save_and_update` and `move_and_delete`. (:pull:`214`).
* Spatial dimensions can be generalized as X/Y when rechunking and will be mapped to rlon/rlat or lon/lat accordingly. (:pull:`221`).
* New argument `var_as_string` for `get_cat_attrs` to return variable names as strings. (:pull:`233`).
* New argument `copy` for `move_and_delete`. (:pull:`233`).
* New argument `restrict_year` for `compute_indicators`. (:pull:`233`).
* Add more comments in the template. (:pull:`233`, :issue:`232`).
* ``generate_weights`` now allows to split weights between experiments, and make them vary along the time/horizon axis. (:issue:`108`, :pull:`231`).
* New independence_level, `institution`, added to ``generate_weights``. (:pull:`231`).
* Updated ``produce_horizon`` so it can accept multiple periods or warming levels. (:pull:`231`, :pull:`240`).
* Add more comments in the template. (:pull:`233`, :pull:`235`, :issue:`232`).
* New function ``diagnostics.health_checks`` that can perform multiple checkups on a dataset. (:pull:`238`).

Breaking changes
* Columns ``date_start`` and ``date_end`` now use a ``datetime64[ms]`` dtype. (:pull:`222`).
* The default output of ``date_parser`` is now ``pd.Timestamp`` (``output_dtype='datetime'``). (:pull:`222`).
* ``date_parser(date, end_of_period=True)`` has time "23:59:59", instead of "23:00". (:pull:`222`, :pull:`237`).
* ``driving_institution`` was removed from the "default" xscen columns. (:pull:`222`).
* Folder parsing utilities (``parse_directory``) moved to ``xscen.catutils``. Signature changed : ``globpattern`` removed, ``dirglob`` added, new ``patterns`` specifications. See doc for all changes. (:pull:`205`).
* ``compute_indicators`` now returns all outputs produced by indicators with multiple outputs (such as `rain_season`). (:pull:`228`).
* In ``generate_weights``, independence_level `all` was renamed `model`. (:pull:`231`).
* In response to a bugfix, results for ``generate_weights(independence_level='GCM')`` are significantly altered. (:issue:`230`, :pull:`231`).
* Legacy support for `stats_kwargs` in ``ensemble_stats`` was dropped. (:pull:`231`).
* `period` in ``produce_horizon`` has been deprecated and replaced with `periods`. (:pull:`231`).
* Some automated `to_level` were updated to reflect more recent changes. (:pull:`231`).
* Removed ``diagnostics.fix_unphysical_values``. (:pull:`238`).

Bug fixes
* Fix bug in ``unstack_dates`` with seasonal climatological mean. (:issue:`202`, :pull:`202`).
* Added NotImplemented errors when trying to call `climatological_mean` and `compute_deltas` with daily data. (:pull:`187`).
* Minor documentation fixes. (:issue:`223`, :pull:`225`).
* Fixed a bug in ``unstack_dates`` where it failed for anything other than seasons. (:pull:`228`).
* ``cleanup`` with `common_attrs_only` now works even when no `cat` attribute is present in the datasets. (:pull:`231`).

Internal changes
* Removed the pin on xarray's version. (:issue:`175`, :pull:`199`).
* Folder parsing utilities now in pure python, platform independent. New dependency ``parse``. (:pull:`205`).
* Updated ReadTheDocs configuration to prevent ``--eager`` installation of xscen (:pull:`209`).
* Implemented a template to be used for unit tests. (:pull:`187`).
* Updated GitHub Actions to remove deprecation warnings. (:pull:`187`).
* Updated the cookiecutter used to generate boilerplate documentation and code via `cruft`. (:pull:`212`).
* A few changes to `subset_warming_level` so it doesn't need `driving_institution`. (:pull:`215`).
* Added more tests. (:pull:`228`).
* In ``compute_indicators``, the logic to manage indicators returning multiple outputs was simplified. (:pull:`228`).


Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`).

* `xscen` is now offered as a conda package available through Anaconda.org. Refer to the installation documentation for more information. (:issue:`149`, :pull:`171`).
* Deprecation: Release 0.6.0 of `xscen` will be the last version to support ``xscen.extract.clisops_subset``. Use ``xscen.spatial.subset`` instead. (:pull:`182`, :pull:`184`).
* Deprecation: The argument `region`, used in multiple functions, has been slightly reformatted. Release 0.6.0 of `xscen` will be the last version to support the old format. (:issue:`99`, :issue:`101`, :pull:`184`).

New features and enhancements
* New 'cos-lat' averaging in `spatial_mean`. (:issue:`94`, :pull:`125`).
* Support for computing anomalies in `compute_deltas`. (:pull:`165`).
* Add function `diagnostics.measures_improvement_2d`. (:pull:`167`).
* Add function ``regrid.create_bounds_rotated_pole`` and automatic use in ``regrid_dataset`` and ``spatial_mean``. This is temporary, while we wait for a functionning method in ``cf_xarray``. (:pull:`174`, :issue:`96`).
* Add ``spatial`` submodule with functions ``creep_weights`` and ``creep_fill`` for filling NaNs using neighbours. (:pull:`174`).
* Allow passing ``GeoDataFrame`` instances in ``spatial_mean``'s ``region`` argument, not only geospatial file paths. (:pull:`174`).
* Allow searching for periods in `catalog.search`. (:issue:`123`, :pull:`170`).
* Allow searching and extracting multiple frequencies for a given variable. (:issue:`168`, :pull:`170`).
* New masking feature in ``extract_dataset``. (:issue:`180`, :pull:`182`).
* New function ``xs.spatial.subset`` to replace ``xs.extract.clisops_subset`` and add method "sel". (:issue:`180`, :pull:`182`).
* Add long_name attribute to diagnostics. ( :pull:`189`).
* Added a new YAML-centric notebook (:issue:`8`, :pull:`191`).
* New ``utils.standardize_periods`` to standardize that argument across multiple functions. (:issue:`87`, :pull:`192`).
* New `coverage_kwargs` argument added to ``search_data_catalogs`` to allow modifying the default values of ``subset_file_coverage``. (:issue:`87`, :pull:`192`).

Breaking changes
* 'mean' averaging has been deprecated in `spatial_mean`. (:pull:`125`).
* 'interp_coord' has been renamed to 'interp_centroid' in `spatial_mean`. (:pull:`125`).
* The 'datasets' dimension of the output of ``diagnostics.measures_heatmap`` is renamed 'realization'. (:pull:`167`).
* `_subset_file_coverage` was renamed `subset_file_coverage` and moved to ``catalog.py`` to prevent circular imports. (:pull:`170`).
* `extract_dataset` doesn't fail when a variable is in the dataset, but not `variables_and_freqs`. (:pull:`185`).
* The argument `period`, used in multiple function, is now always a single list, while `periods` is more flexible. (:issue:`87`, :pull:`192`).
* The parameters `reference_period` and `simulation_period` of ``xscen.train`` and ``xscen.adjust`` were renamed `period/periods` to respect the point above. (:issue:`87`, :pull:`192`).

Bug fixes
* Forbid pandas v1.5.3 in the environment files, as the linux conda build breaks the data catalog parser. (:issue:`161`, :pull:`162`).
* Only return requested variables when using ``DataCatalog.to_dataset``. (:pull:`163`).
* ``compute_indicators`` no longer crashes if less than 3 timesteps are produced. (:pull:`125`).
* `xarray` is temporarily pinned below v2023.3.0 due to an API-breaking change. (:issue:`175`, :pull:`173`).
* `xscen.utils.unstack_fill_nan`` can now handle datasets that have non dimension coordinates. (:issue:`156`, :pull:`175`).
* `extract_dataset` now skips a simulation way earlier if the frequency doesn't match. (:pull:`170`).
* `extract_dataset` now correctly tries to extract in reverse timedelta order. (:pull:`170`).
* `compute_deltas` no longer creates all NaN values if the input dataset is in a non-standard calendar. (:pull:`188`).

Internal changes
* `xscen` now manages packaging for PyPi and TestPyPI via GitHub workflows. (:pull:`159`).
* Pre-load coordinates in ``extract.clisops_subset`` (:pull:`163`).
* Minimal documentation for templates. (:pull:`163`).
* `xscen` is now indexed in `Zenodo <https://zenodo.org/>`_, under the `ouranos` community of projects. (:pull:`164`).
* Added a few relevant `Shields <https://shields.io/>`_ to the README.rst. (:pull:`164`).
* Better warning messages in ``_subset_file_coverage`` when coverage is insufficient. (:pull:`125`).
* The top-level Makefile now includes a `linkcheck` recipe, and the ReadTheDocs configuration no longer reinstalls the `llvmlite` compiler library. (:pull:`173`).
* The checkups on coverage and duplicates can now be skipped in `subset_file_coverage`. (:pull:`170`).
* Changed the `ProjectCatalog` docstrings to make it more obvious that it needs to be created empty. (:issue:`99`, :pull:`184`).
* Added parse_config to `creep_fill`, `creep_weights`, and `reduce_ensemble` (:pull:`191`).


Contributors to this version: Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Sarah Gammon (:user:`SarahG-579462`) and Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`).

New features and enhancements
* Possibility of excluding variables read from file from the catalog produced by ``parse_directory``. (:pull:`107`).
* New functions ``extract.subset_warming_level`` and ``aggregate.produce_horizon``. (:pull:`93`).
* add `round_var` to `xs.clean_up`. (:pull:`93`).
* New "timeout_cleanup" option for ``save_to_zarr``, which removes variables that were in the process of being written when receiving a ``TimeoutException``. (:pull:`106`).
* New ``scripting.skippable`` context, allowing the use of CTRL-C to skip code sections. (:pull:`106`).
* Possibility of fields with underscores in the patterns of ``parse_directory``. (:pull:`111`).
* New ``utils.show_versions`` function for printing or writing to file the dependency versions of `xscen`. (:issue:`109`, :pull:`112`).
* Added previously private notebooks to the documentation. (:pull:`108`).
* Notebooks are now tested using `pytest` with `nbval`. (:pull:`108`).
* New ``restrict_warming_level`` argument for ``extract.search_data_catalogs`` to filter dataset that are not in the warming level csv. (:issue:`105`, :pull:`138`).
* Set configuration value programmatically through ``CONFIG.set``. (:pull:`144`).
* New ``to_dataset`` method on ``DataCatalog``. The same as ``to_dask``, but exposing more aggregation options. (:pull:`147`).
* New templates folder with one general template. (:issue:`151`, :pull:`158`).

Breaking changes
* Functions that are called internally can no longer parse the configuration. (:pull:`133`).

Bug fixes
* ``clean_up`` now converts the calendar of variables that use "interpolate" in "missing_by_var" at the same time.
- Hence, when it is a conversion from a 360_day calendar, the random dates are the same for all of the these variables. (:issue:`102`, :pull:`104`).
* ``properties_and_measures`` no longer casts month coordinates to string. (:pull:`106`).
* `search_data_catalogs` no longer crashes if it finds nothing. (:issue:`42`, :pull:`92`).
* Prevented fixed fields from being duplicated during `_dispatch_historical_to_future` (:issue:`81`, :pull:`92`).
* Added missing `parse_config` to functions in `reduce.py` (:pull:`92`).
* Added deepcopy before `skipna` is popped in `spatial_mean` (:pull:`92`).
* `subset_warming_level` now validates that the data exists in the dataset provided (:issue:`117`, :pull:`119`).
* Adapt `stack_drop_nan` for the newest version of xarray (2022.12.0). (:issue:`122`, :pull:`126`).
* Fix `stack_drop_nan` not working if intermediate directories don't exist (:issue:`128`).
* Fixed a crash when `compute_indicators` produced fixed fields (:pull:`139`).

Internal changes
* ``compute_deltas`` skips the unstacking step if there is no time dimension and cast object dimensions to string. (:pull:`9`)
* Added the "2sem" frequency to the translations CVs. (:pull:`111`).
* Skip files we can't read in ``parse_directory``. (:pull:`111`).
* Fixed non-numpy-standard Docstrings. (:pull:`108`).
* Added more metadata to package description on PyPI. (:pull:`108`).
* Faster ``search_data_catalogs`` and ``extract_dataset`` through a faster ``DataCatalog.unique``, date parsing and a rewrite of the ``ensure_correct_time`` logic. (:pull:`127`).
* The ``search_data_catalogs`` function now accepts `str` or `pathlib.Path` variables (in addition to lists of either data type) for performing catalog lookups. (:pull:`121`).
* `produce_horizons` now supports fixed fields (:pull:`139`).
* Rewrite of ``unstack_dates`` for better performance with dask arrays. (:pull:`144`).


Contributors to this version: Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`) and Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`).

New features and enhancements
* New functions ``diagnostics.properties_and_measures``, ``diagnostics.measures_heatmap`` and ``diagnostics.measures_improvement``. (:issue:`5`, :pull:`54`).
* Add argument `resample_methods` to `xs.extract.resample`. (:issue:`57`, :pull:`57`)
* Added a ReadTheDocs configuration to expose public documentation. (:issue:`65`, :pull:`66`).
* ``xs.utils.stack_drop_nans``/ ``xs.utils.unstack_fill_nan`` will now format the `to_file`/`coords` string to add the domain and the shape. (:issue:`59`, :pull:`67`).
* New unstack_dates function to "extract" seasons or months from a timeseries. (:pull:`68`).
* Better spatial_mean for cases using xESMF and a shapefile with multiple polygons. (:pull:`68`).
* Yet more changes to parse_directory: (:pull:`68`).
- Better parallelization by merging the finding and name-parsing step in the same dask tree.
- Allow cvs for the variable columns.
- Fix parsing the variable names from datasets.
- Sort the variables in the tuples (for a more consistent output)
* In extract_dataset, add option ``ensure_correct_time`` to ensure the time coordinate matches the expected freq. Ex: monthly values given on the 15th day are moved to the 1st, as expected when asking for "MS". (:issue: `53`).
* In regrid_dataset: (:pull:`68`).
* Allow passing skipna to the regridder kwargs.
* Do not fail for any grid mapping problem, includin if a grid_mapping attribute mentions a variable that doesn't exist.
* Default email sent to the local user. (:pull:`68`).
* Special accelerated pathway for parsing catalogs with all dates within the datetime64[ns] range. (:pull:`75`).
* New functions ``reduce_ensemble`` and ``build_reduction_data`` to support kkz and kmeans clustering. (:issue:`4`, :pull:`63`).
* `ensemble_stats` can now loop through multiple statistics, support functions located in `xclim.ensembles._robustness`, and supports weighted realizations. (:pull:`63`).
* New function `ensemble_stats.generate_weights` that estimates weights based on simulation metadata. (:pull:`63`).
* New function `catalog.unstack_id` to reverse-engineer IDs. (:pull:`63`).
* `generate_id` now accepts Datasets. (:pull:`63`).
* Add `rechunk` option to `properties_and_measures` (:pull:`76`).
* Add `create` argument to `ProjectCatalog` (:issue:`11`, :pull:`77`).
* Add percentage deltas to `compute_deltas` (:issue:`82`, :pull:`90`).

Breaking changes
* `statistics / stats_kwargs` have been changed/eliminated in `ensemble_stats`, respectively. (:pull:`63`).

Bug fixes
* Add a missing dependencies to the env (`pyarrow`, for faster string handling in catalogs). (:pull:`68`).
* Allow passing ``compute=False`` to `save_to_zarr`. (:pull:`68`).

Internal changes
* Small bugfixes in `aggregate.py`. (:pull:`55`, :pull:`56`).
* Default method of `xs.extract.resample` now depends on frequency. (:issue:`57`, :pull:`58`).
* Bugfix for `_restrict_by_resolution` with CMIP6 datasets (:pull:`71`).
* More complete check of coverage in ``_subset_file_coverage``. (:issue:`70`, :pull:`72`)
* The code that performs ``common_attrs_only`` in `ensemble_stats` has been moved to `clean_up`. (:pull:`63`).
* Removed the default ``to_level`` in `clean_up`. (:pull:`63`).
* `xscen` now has an official logo. (:pull:`69`).
* Use numpy max and min in `properties_and_measures` (:pull:`76`).
* Cast catalog date_start and date_end to "%4Y-%m-%d %H:00" when writing to disk. (:issue:`83`, :pull:`79`)
* Skip test of coverage on the sum if the list of select files is empty. (:pull:`79`)
* Added missing CMIP variable names in conversions.yml and added the ability to provide a custom file instead (:issue:`86`, :pull:`88`)
* Changed 'allow_conversion' and 'allow_resample' default to False in search_data_catalogs (:issue:`86`, :pull:`88`)

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