Contributors to this version: Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`).
New features and enhancements
* The `mask` argument in ``stack_drop_nans`` can now be a list of dimensions. In that case, a `dropna(how='all')` operation will be used to create the mask on-the-fly. (:pull:`450`).
* Few changes to ``clean_up``:
* The `convert_calendar` function now uses `xarray` instead of `xclim`. (:pull:`450`).
* The `attrs_to_remove` and `remove_all_attrs_except` arguments now use real regex. (:pull:`450`).
* Multiple entries can now be given for `change_attr_prefix`. (:pull:`450`).
* ``minimum_calendar`` now accepts a list as input. (:pull:`450`).
* More calendars are now recognized in ``translate_time_chunk``. (:pull:`450`).
* `new_dim` in ``unstack_dates`` is now None by default and changes depending on the frequency. It becomes `month` if the data is exactly monthly, and keep the old default of `season` otherwise. (:pull:`450`).
* Updated the list of libraries in `show_versions` to reflect our current environment. (:pull:`450`).
* New ``xscen.catutils.patterns_from_schema`` to generate all possible patterns from a given schema (or one of xscen's default), to use with :py:func:`parse_directory`. (:pull:`431`).
* New ``DataCatalog.copy_files`` to copy all files of catalog to a new destination, unzipping if needed and returning a new catalog. (:pull:`431`).
* Convenience functions ``xs.io.zip_directory`` and ``xs.io.unzip_directory`` (for zarrs). (:pull:`431`).
* New argument ``compute_indicators``: ``rechunk_input`` to rechunk the inputs to resample-appropriate chunks before calling xclim. (:pull:`431`).
* New ``xs.indicators.get_indicator_outputs`` to retrieve what variable name(s) and frequency to expect from an xclim indicator. (:pull:`431`).
* `xscen` now supports launches tests from `pytest` with the `--numprocesses` option. See the `pytest-xdist documentation <https://pytest-xdist.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>`_ for more information. (:pull:`464`).
* Conservative regridding now supports oblique mercator projections. (:pull:`467`).
* The automatic name for the weight file in ``regrid_dataset`` is now more explicit to avoid errors, but now requires `cat:id` and `cat:domain` arguments for both the source and target datasets. (:pull:`467`).
Breaking changes
* Version facet is now optional in default filepath schemas for non-simulations a with "source_version" level. (:issue:`500`, :pull:`501`).
* Catalog attributes are removed by default in ``save_to_zarr`` and ``save_to_netcdf``. Catalog attributes are those added from the catalog columns by ``to_dataset``, ``to_dataset_dict`` and ``extract_dataset``, which have names prefixed with ``cat:``. (:issue:`499`, :pull:`501`).
Bug fixes
* Fixed bug with reusing weights. (:issue:`411`, :pull:`414`).
* Fixed bug in `update_from_ds` when "time" is a coordinate, but not a dimension. (:pull: `417`).
* Avoid modification of mutable arguments in ``search_data_catalogs`` (:pull:`413`).
* ``ensure_correct_time`` now correctly handles cases where timesteps are missing. (:pull:`440`).
* If using the argument `tile_buffer` with a `shape` method in ``spatial.subset``, the shapefile will now be reprojected to a WGS84 grid before the buffer is applied. (:pull:`440`).
* ``maybe_unstack`` now works if the dimension name is not the default. (:pull:`450`).
* ``unstack_fill_nan`` now works if given a dictionary that contains both dimensions and coordinates. (:pull:`450`).
* ``clean_up`` no longer modifies the original dataset. (:pull:`450`).
* ``unstack_dates`` now works correctly for yearly datasets when `winter_starts_year=True`, as well as multi-year datasets. (:pull:`450`).
* Fix ``xs.catalog.concat_data_catalogs`` for catalogs that have not been search yet. (:pull:`431`).
* Fix indicator computation using ``freq=2Q*`` by assuming this means a semiannual frequency anchored at the given month (pandas assumes 2 quarter steps, any of them anchored at the given month). (:pull:`431`).
* ``create_bounds_rotated_pole`` now uses the default value if the dataset has no `north_pole_grid_longitude` attribute, instead of crashing. (:pull:`455`).
* Rewrote the global tas data file with latest HDF5/h5py to avoid errors when using h5py 3.11 and hdf5 1.14.2. (:pull:`1861`).
* Remove reference of deprecated xclim functions (``convert_calendar``, ``get_calendar``) and adapt the code for supporting xclim 0.52.2 and its subsequent development version. (:pull:`465`).
Breaking changes
* `convert_calendar` in ``clean_up`` now uses `xarray` instead of `xclim`. Keywords aren't compatible between the two, but given that `xclim` will abandon its function, no backwards compatibility was sought. (:pull:`450`).
* `attrs_to_remove` and `remove_all_attrs_except` in ``clean_up`` now use real regex. It should not be too breaking since a `fullmatch()` is used, but `*` is now `.*`. (:pull:`450`).
* Python 3.9 is no longer supported. (:pull:`456`).
* Functions and arguments that were deprecated in `xscen` v0.8.0 or earlier have been removed. (:pull:`461`).
* `pytest-xdist` is now a development dependency. (:pull:`464`).
* ``xs.regrid.create_bounds_rotated_pole`` has been renamed to ``xs.regrid.create_bounds_gridmapping``. (:pull:`467`).
* The `weights_location` argument in ``regrid_dataset`` is no longer positional. (:pull:`467`).
* The ``xs.regrid.create_mask`` function now requires explicit arguments instead of a dictionary. (:pull:`467`).
Internal changes
* ``DataCatalog.to_dataset`` can now accept a ``preprocess`` argument even if ``create_ensemble_on`` is given. The user assumes calendar handling. (:pull:`431`).
* Include domain in `weight_location` in ``regrid_dataset``. (:pull:`414`).
* Added pins to `xarray`, `xclim`, `h5py`, and `netcdf4`. (:pull:`414`).
* Add ``.zip`` and ``.zarr.zip`` as possible file extensions for Zarr datasets. (:pull:`426`).
* Explicitly assign coords of multiindex in `xs.unstack_fill_nan`. (:pull:`427`).
* French translations are compiled offline. A new check ensures no PR are merged with missing messages. (:issue:`342`, :pull:`443`).
* Continued work to add tests. (:pull:`450`).
* Updated the cookiecutter template via `cruft`: (:pull:`452`)
* GitHub Workflows that use rely on `PyPI`-based dependencies now use commit hashes.
* `Dependabot` will now group updates by type.
* Dependencies have been updated and synchronized.
* Contributor guidance documentation has been adjusted.
* `numpydoc-validate` has been added to the linting tools.
* Linting checks are more reliant on `ruff` suggestions and stricter.
* `flake8-alphabetize` has been replaced by `ruff`.
* License information has been updated in the library top-level `__init__.py`.
* Docstrings have been adjusted to meet the `numpydoc` standard. (:pull:`452`).
CI changes
* The `bump-version.yml` workflow now uses the Ouranosinc GitHub Helper Bot to sign bump version commits. (:pull:`462`).