
Latest version: v2.10.0

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What's Changed
* Feature: Added a button in the Settings menu that will open the YTMusic_Deleter user data folder on your computer.
* You can use this to easily find log files or the `browser.json` file which is used for authentication.
* Bugfix: Fixed the Linux app, which was not starting up due to a change in 2.9.4
* Bugfix: Ensure an error is logged if fetching playlists fails for any of the playlist functions.
* Updated README to mention troubleshooting steps if you get a Forbidden/Unauthorized error.
* Set the application style to "Fusion" which seems to help with text being cut off in the Linux app.

Mac OS version still coming soon! Waiting for a new release by ytmusicapi to fix an issue.

**Full Changelog**:


What's New
* Bugfix: "Remove Duplicates" will now check your _entire_ playlist for duplicates, instead of only 100 songs.
* I created a tutorial video for the browser authentication process, and added links to it in the app to make it easy to find.

**Mac OS app coming soon!**

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Bugfix: Using the "add to library" feature when deleting uploads was accidentally using a case-sensitive comparison for finding matches. It is no longer.

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Fixed 91
* Delete History works again (updated to latest ytmusicapi1.9.0)

OAuth sign-in will return in the next release, but will require having to create an API client in your Google settings.

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Fixed a dead link to the documentation on ytmusicapi about how to obtain your authentication headers from Firefox.

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
Google, in their infinite wisdom, have removed OAuth as an available sign-in method from YouTube/YouTube Music API integration. 😠

This means we have to revert back to the old, annoying method of sigining in where you paste request headers from your browser (see the README for instructions). Another downside of this is that you don't get a nice profile picture and Account Name showing up to show who you are signed in as.

In case OAuth ever works again in the future, I added an option in the File -> Preferences menu that will enable it.

(Fixes 85)

**Full Changelog**:

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