What's Changed
⭐⭐New **Remove Duplicates** feature⭐⭐
I received a couple requests on Reddit for this feature. For any given playlist that you own, this will look for and remove any duplicate songs.
In this first iteration of the feature, it will only remove duplicates that are _the exact same_ track with the same ID. It will not do any intelligent duplicate detection beyond that (yet). But the idea is that eventually it will be able to detect duplicates where maybe it's the same song but on a different album, or maybe one is a remastered version, and in cases like that it should present you with a choice of which one to keep.
**Preferences page**
There's now a menu bar at the top and you can click File -> Preferences to bring up the settings page. So far the only setting is to enable debug logging, which can be useful for debugging, especially when I add more debug logging to the program.
* Update to the latest version of ytmusicapi (1.7.0)
* This fixes an issue where if you didn't have a YouTube channel, then your account info would not be able to be displayed in the app.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/apastel/ytmusic-deleter/compare/2.2.2...2.3.0