What's Changed
✨ Features
* `get_playlist`: support audio playlists by sgvictorino in https://github.com/sigma67/ytmusicapi/pull/696
* improved ease of use for `OAuthCredentials`: now possible to `from ytmusicapi import OAuthCredentials`
🐞 Fixes
* fix 713: get_artist radioId and shuffleId missing by sigma67 in https://github.com/sigma67/ytmusicapi/pull/714
* fix 721 by sigma67 in https://github.com/sigma67/ytmusicapi/pull/725: fixed usage of string as `YTMusic(auth="")` argument (File name too long error on ytmusicapi authentication because headers are passed to new Path())
* fix 720 by sigma67 in https://github.com/sigma67/ytmusicapi/pull/726: Missing 'OAuthCredentials' for YTMusic constructor
- improved OAuth documentation, raise when oauth_credentials are missing
- removed option to disable session usage
- removed non-functional OAUTH_DEFAULT AuthType
- improved readability of ytmusic.py/YTMusicBase
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/sigma67/ytmusicapi/compare/1.9.1...1.10.0