Features ✨
- localization: `zh_CN` is now supported for Chinese language support. Thanks BruceZhang1993 ! (244)
- `duration_seconds` is now provided as an additional field for tracks with a `duration` key. It is equivalent to the `duration` key parsed to an integer value in seconds. For albums and playlists, the top level `duration_seconds` key contains the sum of the durations of all songs in seconds
Fixes 🐞
- header keys are now case insensitive, this should prevent some issues during setup
- authuser defined in headers json is now used when uploading a song (241, thanks hibby50 )
- `get_watch_playlist`: fix for albums with many titles, which now no longer throw an error during continuations
- fixed special playlists like the recap playlist (243, thanks kenbier )
- `isExplicit` key should now always be parsed correctly, even with localization on
- requests session is now also used for `get` requests, which avoids stalling on initialization (240)
- `get_history` now correctly raises an exception if a user's watch history is disabled