- Enable option ``literal_false`` to get the behavior that a value of ``False`` does not drop an attribute.
- Make sure the builtin names 'path' and 'exists' can be redefined.
- Guard ``sys.modules`` (mapped to the builtin variable "modules") against import-time side effects using ``ProxyFactory``.
- Use dynamic expression evaluation framework that comes included with Chameleon.
- Point release.
- Move implementation-specific context setup to ``render`` method. This allows use of template class with an already prepared context.
- Fixed issue with the call flag on the Zope traverser compiler.
- Python-expressions are no longer TALES-expressions; previously, the pipe operator would split Python expression clauses, allowing fallbacks even for Python expressions, but this is not the standard behavior of ZPT.
- Fixed an issue where an error which occurred inside a dynamic ``path`` or ``exists`` evaluation would fail to propagate due to a missing remote context.
- Set variables ``here`` and ``context`` to the bound instance value on ``PageTemplate`` instances.