- Added support for Genshi-templates.
- Cleanup and refactoring of translation module.
- If the template source contains a DOCTYPE declaration, output it
during rendering. [chrism]
- Fixed an error where numeric entities specified in text or tail
portions of elements would cause a UnicodeDecodeError to be raised
on systems configured with an 'ascii' default encoding. [chrism]
- Refactored file system based cache a bit and added a simple benchmark for
the cache. The initial load speed for a template goes down significantly
with the cache. Compared to zope.pagetemplate we are only 3x slower,
compared to 50x slower when cooking each template on process startup.
- Got rid entirely of the _escape function and inlined the actual code
instead. We go up again to 12x for path and 19x for Python expressions :)
- Avoid string concatenation and use multiple write statements instead. These
are faster now, since we use a list append internally.
- Inline the _escape function, because function calls are expensive in Python.
Added missing escaping for Unicode values.
[fschulze, hannosch]
- When templates are instantiated outside of a class-definition, a
relative file path will be made absolute using the module path.
- Simplified the _escape function handling by pulling in the str call into the
function. Corrected the bigtable hotshot test to only benchmark rendering.
- Replaced the cgi.escape function by an optimized local version, we go up
to 11x for path and 16x for Python expressions :) In the bigtable benchmark
the enhancement is more noticable - we are the same speed as spitfire -O1
templates now and just half the speed of -O3 :))
- Added a new benchmark test called bigtable that produces results which are
directly comparable to those produced by the bigtable.py benchmark in the
spitfire project.
- Introduce a new config option called `Z3C_PT_DISABLE_I18N`. If this
environment variable is set to `true`, the template engine will not call
into the zope.i18n machinery anymore, but fall back to simple interpolation
in all cases. In a normal Zope environment that has the whole i18n
infrastructure set up, this will render the templates about 15x faster than
normal TAL, instead of only 10x faster at this point.
- Removed the `second rendering` tests from the benchmark suite. Since we
enable the file cache for the benchmarks, there's no difference between the
first and second rendering anymore after the cache file has been written.
- Require zope.i18n 3.5 and add support for using its new negotiate function.
If you use the `zope_i18n_allowed_languages` environment variable the target
language for a template is only negotiated once per template, instead of
once for each translate function call. This more than doubles the speed
and the benchmark is back at 9.2 times faster.
- Extended the i18n handling to respect the passed in translation context to
the template. Usually this is the request, which is passed on under the
internal name of `_context` into the render functions. After extending the
i18n tests to include a negotiator and message catalog the improvement is
only at 4.5 anymore, as most of the time is spent inside the i18n machinery.
- Added persistent file cache functionality. If the environment variable is
set, each file system based template will add a directory to the cache
(currently a SHA-1 of the file's absolute path is used as the folder name)
and in the folder one file per params for the template (cache filename is
the hash of the params). Once a template file is initialized, an instance
local registry is added, which then looks up all cached files and
pre-populates the registry with the render functions.
- Fixed interpolation edge case bugs.
- Added new `Z3C_PT_FILECACHE` environment variable pointing to a directory.
If set, this will be used to cache the compiled files.
- Added a second variation of the repeat clause, using a simple for loop. It
doesn't support the repeatdict, though and is therefor not used yet. Also
began work to add introspection facilities to clauses about the variables
being used in them. The simpler loop causes the benchmarks to go up to a
10.5 (old 9.5) for path expressions and 14.5 (12.5) for python expressions.
So the next step is to introduce an optimization phase, that can decide
which variant of the loops to use.
- Made the debug mode independent from the Python debug mode. You can now
specify an environment variable called `Z3C_PT_DEBUG` to enable it.
- Added some code in a filecache module that can later be used to write out
and reload the compiled Python code to and from the file system. We should
be able to avoid reparsing on Python process restart.
- Simplified the generated _escape code. cgi.escape's second argument is a
simple boolean and not a list of characters to quote.
- Use a simple list based BufferIO class instead of a cStringIO for the out
stream. Avoiding the need to encode Unicode data is a bigger win. We do
not support arbitrarily mixing of Unicode and non-ascii inside the engine.
- Merged two adjacent writes into one inside the Tag clause.
- Applied a bunch of micro-optimizations. ''.join({}) is slightly faster
than ''.join({}.keys()) and does the same. Avoid a try/except for error
handling in non-debug mode. Test against 'is None' instead of a boolean
check for the result of the template registry lookup. Made PROD_MODE
available defined as 'not DEBUG_MODE' in config.py, so we avoid the 'not'
in every cook-check.
- Added more benchmark tests for the file variants.
- Optimized 'is None' handling in Tag clause similar to the Write clause.
- Made the _out.write method directly available as _write in all scopes, so
we avoid the method lookup call each time.
- Optimized 'is None' handling in Write clause.
- Slightly refactored benchmark tests and added tests for the file variants.
- In debug mode the actual source code for file templates is written out to
a <filename>.source file, to make it easier to inspect it.
- Make debug mode setting explicit in a config.py. Currently it is bound to
Python's __debug__, which is False when run with -O and otherwise True.
- Use a simplified UnicodeWrite clause for the result of _translate calls,
as the result value is guaranteed to be Unicode.
- Added benchmark tests for i18n handling.
- Added more tests for i18n attributes handling.
- Don't generate empty mappings for expressions with a trailing semicolon.
- Fixed undefined name 'static' error in i18n attributes handling and added
quoting to i18n attributes.
- Added condition to the valid attributes on tags in the tal namespace.
- Made sure the traceback from the *first* template exception
is carried over to __traceback_info__
- Added template source annotations on exceptions raised while
rendering a template.