- Fixed a bug when rendering a table with the same style twice. Unfortuantely, Reportlab modifies a style during usage, so that a copy mustbe created for each use. [Marcin Nowak]
- Switch from ``pyPdf`` to the newer, maintained ``PyPDF2`` library.
- Report correct element during error reporting.
- ``registerFontFamily`` never worked until now, since the directive was not properly registered.
- Added ``title``, ``subject``, ``author``, and ``creator`` attributes to ``document`` element. Those are set as PDF annotations, which are now commonly used to hint viewers window titles, etc. (Those fields are not available in RML2PDF.)
- Make the number of max rendering passes configurable by exposing the setting in the API.
- Added `align` attribute to ``img`` tag.
- Added a new console script "rml2pdf" that renders an RML file to PDF.
- Added ``preserveAspectRatio`` to ``img`` tag flowable. The attribute was already supported for the ``image`` tag.