- Feature: Added a Chinese PDF sample file to ``tests/expected`` under the
name ``sample-shipment-chinese.pdf``.
- Feature: Added another tag that is commonly needed in projects. The
``<keepTogether>`` tag will keep the child flowables in the same frame.
When necessary, the frame break will be automatic. Patch by Yuan Hong.
- Feature: Added the "alignment" attribute to the ``blockTable``
directive. This attribute defines the horizontal alignment for a table that
is not 100% in width of the containing flowable. Patch by Yuan Hong.
- Feature: When creating Chinese PDF documents, the normal TTF for Chinese
printing is 'simsun'. However, when bold text is neeed, we switch to
'simhei'. To properly register this, we need the
``reportlab.lib.fonts.addMapping`` function. This is missing in the reportlab
RML specification, so a new directive has been defined::
<addMapping faceName="simsun" bold="1" italic="0" psName="simhei" />
Patch by Yuan Hong.
- Feature: The ``para`` and ``paraStyle`` directive now support the "wordWrap"
attribute, which allows for selecting a different wrod wrapping
algorithm. This is needed because some far-East Asian languages do not use
white space to separate words. Patch by Yuan Hong.
- Bug: Handle Windows drive letters correctly. Report and fix by Yuan Hong.