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Not secure
This minor release contains some small fixes and improvements.

- We fixed a bug with the way hooks were being parsed, which was causing
pipelines to fail.
- We brought various parts of the documentation up to date with features that
had previously been added, notably the new image building functionality.
- We added a failure hook that connects to OpenAI's ChatGPT API to allow you to
receive a message when a pipeline fails that includes suggestions on how to
fix the failing step.
- We added a new integration with `langchain` and `llama_hub` to allow you to
build on top of those libraries as part of a more robust MLOps workflow.
- We made the first some bigger changes to our analytics system to make it more
robust and secure. This release begins that migration. Users should expect no
changes in behavior and all telemetry-related preferences will be preserved.

What's Changed
* Fix hook parser by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1428
* Fix some pipeline bugs by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1426
* Add image builders to Examples by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1434
* ZenML Failure Hook for OpenAI ChatGPT fixes by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1430
* Integrations with `langchain` and `llama_hub` by fa9r in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1404
* Add basic tests for the server and recipes CLI by wjayesh in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1306
* Add to our alembic migration guide by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1423
* Analytics 2.0 by bcdurak in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1411
* Improve Slack Alerter by adding message blocks by soubenz in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1402
* Add HF deployment type by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1438

New Contributors
* soubenz made their first contribution in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1402

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/compare/0.36.0...0.36.1


Not secure
Our latest release adds hooks to ZenML pipelines to handle custom logic that
occurs on pipeline failure or success. This is a powerful feature that allows
you to easily receive custom alerts, for example, when a pipeline fails or
succeeds. (Check out our video showcasing the feature

The release is also packed with bug fixes and documentation updates. Some
smaller improvements include an increase of the `step_configurations` column
size in the database to accommodate really large configurations and the ability
to click through to orchestrator logs for the Sagemaker orchestrator directly
from the ZenML dashboard.

Breaking Changes

Secrets are now handled internally by ZenML. This changes some behaviors that
you may have become used to with the (now-deprecated) Secrets Manager stack
component. The default behavior for the KServe and Seldon Core Model Deployer if
explicit credentials are not configured through the secret stack component
attribute has changed. Now, the model deployer will attempt to reuse credentials
configured for the Artifact Store in the same stack and may, in some cases, fail
if it cannot use them. In most cases, if credentials are not configured for the
active Artifact Store, the model deployer will assume some form of implicit
in-cloud authentication is configured for the Kubernetes cluster where KServe /
Seldon Core is installed and default to using that.

What's Changed

* Add CLI utils tests by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1383
* Don't use docker client when building images remotely by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1394
* Fix zenml-quickstart-model typo by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1397
* Ignore starting quotes from Artifact store path by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1388
* CI speed improvements by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1384
* Fix stack recipe link by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1393
* Switch FastAPI response class to orjson so `NaN` values don't break the server by fa9r in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1395
* Numpy materializer metadata for arrays with strings by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1392
* Fix last remaining runs index by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1399
* Add failure (and success hooks) by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1361
* Replace `pyspelling` with `typos` by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1400
* Fix the download nltk param for report step by wjayesh in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1409
* Add `build_timeout` attribute to `GCPImageBuilderConfig` by gabrielmbmb in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1408
* Bump `ruff` to v0.255 by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1403
* Update title of deployment docs page by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1412
* Changed to debug log by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1406
* Fix incorrect `--sort_by` help text by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1413
* Document CLI filtering query language by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1414
* Fix GitHub pip download cache key by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1405
* Add orchestrator logs link for Sagemaker by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1375
* Phase out secrets managers from other stack components. by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1401
* Add MLflow UI message to quickstart example and fix autolog spillage by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1421
* Add tests for the model registry by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1415
* Remove Aspell installation by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1419
* Increase `step_configurations` column size to 2^24 by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1422
* Add help text for `enable_service` option in recipe sub-command by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1424

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/compare/0.35.1...test


Not secure
**Note:** *This release replaces the previous 0.35.0 release that was yanked from
PyPI due to a bug. If you already installed 0.35.0 and are experiencing issues,
we recommend you downgrade to 0.34.0 before installing and upgrading to 0.35.1.*

This release is packed with big features as well as documentation updates and
some bug fixes.

The 0.35.1 release puts models front and center in ZenML with the addition of
the **Model Registry** abstraction and Stack Component. You can now register,
version and manage models as first class citizens in ZenML. This is a major
milestone for ZenML and we are excited to see what you build with it!
The introduction of Model Registries greatly simplifies the journey that the
model takes from training to deployment and extends the ZenML ecosystem to
include model registry tools and libraries. The first Model Registry integration
included in this release is MLFlow, with many more to come in the future.

This release also continues the deprecation of Secrets Managers and the
introduction of Secret Stores. You now have the option of configuring the ZenML
server to use AWS, GCP, Azure or Hashicorp Vault directly as a centralized
secrets store back-end. This is meant to replace all Secrets Manager flavors
which were previously used to store secrets using the same cloud services.

Please be reminded that all Secrets Managers are now deprecated and will be
removed in the near future. We recommend that you migrate all your secrets from
the Secrets Manager stack components to the centralized secrets store by means
of the included `zenml secrets-manager secret migrate` CLI command.

Last but not least, this release includes an updated Evidently integration that
is compatible with the latest and greatest features from Evidently: reports and
test suites. Check out the updated example to get a feel for the new features.

Breaking Changes

This release introduces a few breaking changes. Please update your code to
reflect the changes below:

* the order of pipelines and runs in the post-execution results has been
reversed. This means that the most recent pipeline and pipeline run can be
accessed using the first index of the respective lists instead of the last
index. This change was made to make the post-execution results more intuitive
and to allow returning multi-page results in the future. This is a code snippet
outlining the changes that you need to make in your post-execution code:

from zenml.post_execution import get_pipelines, get_unlisted_runs

pipelines = get_pipelines()

instead of calling this to get the pipeline last created
latest_pipeline = pipelines[-1]

you now have to call this
latest_pipeline = pipelines[0]

and instead of calling this to get the latest run of a pipeine
latest_pipeline_run = latest_pipeline.get_runs()[-1]
latest_pipeline_run = latest_pipeline.runs[-1]

you now have to call this
latest_pipeline_run = latest_pipeline.get_runs()[0]
latest_pipeline_run = latest_pipeline.runs[0]

the same applies to the unlisted runs; instead of
last_unlisted_run = get_unlisted_runs()[-1]

you now have to call this
last_unlisted_run = get_unlisted_runs()[0]

* if you were using the `StepEnvironment` to fetch the name of the active step
in your step implementation, this name no longer reflects the name of the step
function. Instead, it now reflects the name of the step used in the pipeline
DAG, similar to what you would see in the ZenML dashboard when visualizing the
pipeline. This is also implicitly reflected in the output of `zenml model-deployer model`
CLI commands.

What's Changed
* Upgrade dev dependencies by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1334
* Add warning when attempting server connection without user permissions by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1314
* Keep CLI help text for `zenml pipeline` to a single line by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1338
* Rename page attributes by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1266
* Add missing docs for pipeline build by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1341
* Sagemaker orchestrator docstring and example update by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1350
* Fix `secret create` docs error for secret store by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1355
* Update README for test environment provisioning by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1336
* Disable name prefix matching when updating/deleting entities by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1345
* Add Kubeflow Pipeline UI Port to deprecated config by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1358
* Small clarifications for slack alerter by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1365
* update Neptune integration for v1.0 compatibility by AleksanderWWW in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1335
* Integrations conditional requirements by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1255
* Fix fetching versioned pipelines in post execution by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1363
* Load artifact store before loading artifact to register filesystem by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1367
* Remove poetry from CI by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1346
* Fix Sagemaker example readme by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1370
* Update evidently to include reports and tests by wjayesh in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1283
* Fix neptune linting error on `develop` (and bump ruff) by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1372
* Add pydantic materializer by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1371
* Registering GIFs added by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1368
* Refresh CLI cheat sheet by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1347
* Add dependency resolution docs by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1337
* [BUGFIX] Fix error while using an existing SQL server with GCP ZenServer by wjayesh in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1353
* Update step name assignment with the parameter name by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1310
* Copy huggingface data directory to local before loading in materializers by TimovNiedek in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1351
* Update huggingface token classification example by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1369
* Use the most specialized materializer based on MRO by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1376
* Update Kserve to support 0.10.0 by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1373
* Add more examples to integration tests by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1245
* Fix order of runs and order of pipelines in post-execution by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1380
* Add Cloud Secrets Store back-ends by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1348
* Model Registry Stack Component + MLFlow integration by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1309
* Fix broken docs URLs and add SDK docs url by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1349
* Fix label studio `dataset delete` command by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1377
* Add missing links to Quickstart by strickvl in
* Fix PyPI readme logo display by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1382
* Fixed broken migration for flavors by AlexejPenner in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1386
* Add debug mode flag for `zenml info` by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1374
* Update issue creation for bugs by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1387
* Integration sdk docs generated correctly now by AlexejPenner in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1389

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/compare/0.34.0...0.35.1


Not secure
This release is packed with big features as well as documentation updates and
some bug fixes.

The 0.35.0 release puts models front and center in ZenML with the addition of
[the **Model Registry** abstraction and Stack Component](https://docs.zenml.io/component-gallery/model-registries). You can now register,
version and manage models as first class citizens in ZenML. This is a major
milestone for ZenML and we are excited to see what you build with it!
The introduction of Model Registries greatly simplifies the journey that the
model takes from training to deployment and extends the ZenML ecosystem to
include model registry tools and libraries. The first Model Registry integration
included in this release is [MLFlow](https://docs.zenml.io/component-gallery/model-registries/mlflow), with many more to come in the future.

This release also continues the deprecation of Secrets Managers and the
introduction of [Secret Stores](https://docs.zenml.io/advanced-guide/practical-mlops/secrets-management#centralized-secrets-store). You now have the option of configuring the ZenML
server to use AWS, GCP, Azure or Hashicorp Vault directly as a centralized
secrets store back-end. This is meant to replace all Secrets Manager flavors
which were previously used to store secrets using the same cloud services.

> **Note** - Please be reminded that all Secrets Managers are now deprecated and will be
removed in the near future. We recommend that you migrate all your secrets from
the Secrets Manager stack components to the centralized secrets store by means
of the included `zenml secrets-manager secret migrate` CLI command.

Last but not least, this release includes [an updated Evidently integration](https://docs.zenml.io/component-gallery/data-validators/evidently) that
is compatible with the latest and greatest features from Evidently: reports and
test suites. Check out the updated example to get a feel for the new features.

Breaking Changes

This release introduces a few breaking changes. Please update your code to
reflect the changes below:

* the order of pipelines and runs in the post-execution results has been
reversed. This means that the most recent pipeline and pipeline run can be
accessed using the first index of the respective lists instead of the last
index. This change was made to make the post-execution results more intuitive
and to allow returning multi-page results in the future. This is a code snippet
outlining the changes that you need to make in your post-execution code:

from zenml.post_execution import get_pipelines, get_unlisted_runs

pipelines = get_pipelines()

instead of calling this to get the pipeline last created
latest_pipeline = pipelines[-1]

you now have to call this
latest_pipeline = pipelines[0]

and instead of calling this to get the latest run of a pipeine
latest_pipeline_run = latest_pipeline.get_runs()[-1]
latest_pipeline_run = latest_pipeline.runs[-1]

you now have to call this
latest_pipeline_run = latest_pipeline.get_runs()[0]
latest_pipeline_run = latest_pipeline.runs[0]

the same applies to the unlisted runs; instead of
last_unlisted_run = get_unlisted_runs()[-1]

you now have to call this
last_unlisted_run = get_unlisted_runs()[0]

* if you were using the `StepEnvironment` to fetch the name of the active step
in your step implementation, this name no longer reflects the name of the step
function. Instead, it now reflects the name of the step used in the pipeline
DAG, similar to what you would see in the ZenML dashboard when visualizing the
pipeline. This is also implicitly reflected in the output of `zenml model-deployer model`
CLI commands.

What's Changed
* Upgrade dev dependencies by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1334
* Add warning when attempting server connection without user permissions by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1314
* Keep CLI help text for `zenml pipeline` to a single line by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1338
* Rename page attributes by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1266
* Add missing docs for pipeline build by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1341
* Sagemaker orchestrator docstring and example update by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1350
* Fix `secret create` docs error for secret store by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1355
* Update README for test environment provisioning by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1336
* Disable name prefix matching when updating/deleting entities by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1345
* Add Kubeflow Pipeline UI Port to deprecated config by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1358
* Small clarifications for slack alerter by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1365
* update Neptune integration for v1.0 compatibility by AleksanderWWW in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1335
* Integrations conditional requirements by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1255
* Fix fetching versioned pipelines in post execution by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1363
* Load artifact store before loading artifact to register filesystem by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1367
* Remove poetry from CI by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1346
* Fix Sagemaker example readme by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1370
* Update evidently to include reports and tests by wjayesh in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1283
* Fix neptune linting error on `develop` (and bump ruff) by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1372
* Add pydantic materializer by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1371
* Registering GIFs added by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1368
* Refresh CLI cheat sheet by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1347
* Add dependency resolution docs by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1337
* [BUGFIX] Fix error while using an existing SQL server with GCP ZenServer by wjayesh in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1353
* Update step name assignment with the parameter name by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1310
* Copy huggingface data directory to local before loading in materializers by TimovNiedek in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1351
* Update huggingface token classification example by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1369
* Use the most specialized materializer based on MRO by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1376
* Update Kserve to support 0.10.0 by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1373
* Add more examples to integration tests by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1245
* Fix order of runs and order of pipelines in post-execution by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1380
* Add Cloud Secrets Store back-ends by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1348
* Model Registry Stack Component + MLFlow integration by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1309
* Fix broken docs URLs and add SDK docs url by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1349
* Fix label studio `dataset delete` command by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1377
* Add missing links to Quickstart by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1379

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/compare/0.34.0...0.35.0


Not secure
This release comes with major upgrades to the python library as well as the dashboard:
- You can now store you secrets in a centralized way instead of having them
tied to a secrets manager stack component. The secrets manager component is deprecated but will still
work while we continue migrating all secrets manager flavors to be available as a backend to store centralized
secrets. Check out [the docs](https://docs.zenml.io/advanced-guide/practical-mlops/secrets-management)
for more information.
- Pipelines are now versioned: ZenML detects changes to your steps and structure of your pipelines and
automatically creates new pipeline versions for you.
- You can now build the required Docker images for your pipeline without actually running it with
the `zenml pipeline build` command. This build can later be used to run the pipeline using the
`zenml pipeline run` command or by passing it to `pipeline.run()` in python.
- `DockerSettings` can now be specified separately for each step of your pipeline. This allows you to build
specialized Docker images for each step in your pipeline if needed.
- Metadata for runs and artifacts is now displayed in the dashboard: When viewing a pipeline run in the dashboard,
click on a step or artifact to get useful metadata like the endpoint where your model is deployed or
statistics about your training data.

What's Changed
* Move inbuilt Flavors into the Database by AlexejPenner in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1187
* Bump `ruff` version to 241 by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1289
* Add docs for run name templates by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1290
* Remove excess help text for `zenml connect` command by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1291
* Increase default service timeout to 60 by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1294
* increase timeout on quickstart example by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1296
* Add warning about MacOS not being supported by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1303
* Always include .zen in docker builds by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1292
* Add warning and docs update for `label_studio` installation issue by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1299
* Loosen version requirements for Great Expectations integration by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1302
* Change zenml init --template to optionally prompt and track email by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1298
* Update docs for Neptune experiment tracker integration by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1307
* Fix the destroy function on the stack recipe CLI by wjayesh in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1301
* Add missing flavor migrations, make workspace ID optional by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1315
* Bump ruff 246 by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1316
* Remove tag from image name in gcp image builder by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1317
* Fix docs typo by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1318
* Fix step parameter merging by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1320
* Increase timeout for mlflow deployment example by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1308
* Workspace/projects fix for dashboard URL output when running pipeline by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1322
* Component Metadata Tracking Docs by fa9r in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1319
* Add user environment `zenml info` command to CLI for debugging by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1312
* Added caching to quickstart by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1321
* Renovation of the zenstore tests by AlexejPenner in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1275
* Fixes GCP docs typo by luckri13 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1327
* Remove deprecated CLI options by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1325
* GCP Image Builder network by gabrielmbmb in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1323
* improved flavor docs by htahir1 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1324
* Commands to register, build and run pipelines from the CLI by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1293
* Validate kserve model name by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1304
* Fix post-execution run sorting by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1332
* Secrets store with SQL back-end by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1313

New Contributors
* luckri13 made their first contribution in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1327

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/compare/0.33.0...0.34.0


Not secure
This release introduces several big new features:
- Docker images can now be built in GCP using the new [Google Cloud Image Builder](https://docs.zenml.io/component-gallery/image-builders/gcloud-build) integration. Special shoutout to gabrielmbmb for this amazing contribution!
- Getting started with ZenML has been made even easier. You can now use one of the new [ZenML Project Templates](https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml-project-templates) to initialize your ZenML repository with a basic project structure including a functional pipeline and basic scaffolding for materializers, parameters, and other classes you might want to extend.
- Orchestrating runs on local Kubernetes has been made easier: The KubeFlow, Kubernetes, and Tekton orchestrators have been redesigned to be compatible with the [K3D modular stack recipe](https://github.com/zenml-io/mlops-stacks/tree/main/k3d-modular) that lets you spin up a local K3D Kubernetes cluster with a single line of code!
- The MLflow integration has been updated and can now be used with the new MLflow 2.x!
- You can now specify parameters and resources for your Seldon model deployers thanks to d-lowl!

Furthermore, the internal `project` concept has been renamed to `workspace` to avoid confusion with the [zenml-projects](https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml-projects) repository. This should only be relevant to you if you have custom applications that are interacting with the REST API of the ZenML server directly since all models sent from/to the server need to contain a `workspace` instead of a `project` now.

What's Changed
* Renaming Project to Workspace by AlexejPenner in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1254
* Integration tests for post execution functions by fa9r in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1264
* Introduce `post_execution.BaseView` by fa9r in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1238
* Make `/cloud` point to enterprise page by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1268
* update mlflow to verion greater than 2.0 by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1249
* Store run start time by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1271
* Relax pydantic dependency by jlopezpena in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1262
* Fix failing filter on stacks by component id by AlexejPenner in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1276
* Track server version by schustmi in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1265
* Bump ruff, drop `autoflake`, add `darglint` back by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1279
* Fixed startswith and endswith by AlexejPenner in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1278
* Fix workspace scoping on `list_workspace_... endpoints` again by fa9r in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1284
* Custom Metadata Tracking by fa9r in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1151
* Bug: local ZenML server ignores ip-address CLI argument by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1282
* Configure the zenml-server docker image and helm chart to run as non-privileged user by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1273
* GCP Image Builder by gabrielmbmb in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1270
* Disentangle K3D code from ZenML by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1185
* Rework params / artifact docs by strickvl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1277
* Always add active user to analytics by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1286
* Fix step and pipeline run metadata in LineageGraph by fa9r in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1288
* add validator to endpoint url to replace hostname with k3d or docker … by safoinme in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1189
* Add option to use project templates to initialize a repository by stefannica in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1287
* Add example for Hyperparameter Tuning with ZenML by nitay93 in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1206
* Add seldon deployment predictor parameters and resource requirements by d-lowl in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1280

New Contributors
* jlopezpena made their first contribution in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1262
* nitay93 made their first contribution in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1206
* d-lowl made their first contribution in https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/pull/1280

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/compare/0.32.1...0.33.0

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