
Latest version: v0.70.0

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This release is a big design change and refactor. It involves a significant change in the Configuration file structure, meaning this is a **breaking upgrade**.

For those upgrading from an older version of ZenML, we ask to please delete their old `pipelines` dir and `.zenml` folders and start afresh with a `zenml init`.

If only working locally, this is as simple as:

cd zenml_enabled_repo
rm -rf pipelines/
rm -rf .zenml/

And then another ZenML init:

pip install --upgrade zenml
cd zenml_enabled_repo
zenml init

New Features
* Introduced another higher-level pipeline: The [NLPPipeline](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/blob/main/zenml/pipelines/nlp_pipeline.py). This is a generic
NLP pipeline for a text-datasource based training task. Full example of how to use the NLPPipeline can be found [here](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/tree/main/examples/nlp)
* Introduced a [BaseTokenizerStep](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/blob/main/zenml/steps/tokenizer/base_tokenizer.py) as a simple mechanism to define how to train and encode using any generic
tokenizer (again for NLP-based tasks).
* Introduced a new [HuggingFace](https://huggingface.co/) integration, with the first concrete implementation of the BaseTokenizerStep, i.e., the [HuggingFaceTokenizer](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/blob/main/zenml/steps/tokenizer/hf_tokenizer.py).
* Show-cased how to use [HuggingFace](https://huggingface.co/) with the ZenML TrainerStep in the [NLP Example](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/blob/main/examples/nlp/training/trainer.py).

Bug Fixes + Refactor
* Significant change to imports: Now imports are way simpler and user-friendly. E.g. Instead of:
from zenml.core.pipelines.training_pipeline import TrainingPipeline

A user can simple do:

from zenml.pipelines import TrainingPipeline

The caveat is of course that this might involve a re-write of older ZenML code imports.

Note: Future releases are also expected to be breaking. Until announced, please expect that upgrading ZenML versions may cause older-ZenML generated pipelines to behave unexpectedly.

Special shout-out to nicholasmaiot for major contributions to this release!


Not secure
This release is a significant one as it includes the first version of the AWS integration. It allows you to use ZenML to launch an EC2 instance as an orchestrator and execute a ZenML pipeline possibly coupled with an S3 artifact store and RDS metadata store.

It is a new feature and it does not include any breaking changes.

In order to install ZenML with the AWS integration attached, you can follow:

pip install --upgrade zenml[aws]
zenml init

New Features
* [OrchestratorAWSBackend](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/blob/main/zenml/core/backends/orchestrator/aws/orchestrator_aws_backend.py) implemented to launch an EC2 instance as the orchestrator.
* While you are using the new orchestrator backend, you may use S3 and RDS.
* Implemented an [example](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/tree/main/examples/aws_orchestrated) which covers the basic process if you would like to start testing it right away.
Bug Fixes + Refactor
* For more advanced use-cases, more examples will follow in the future.
* Numerous small bugs and refinements.


Not secure
Earlier release to get the PostgreSQL datasource out quicker.

To upgrade:

pip install --upgrade zenml

New Features
* [sci-kit learn](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/tree/main/examples/scikit) example.
* [PostgreSQL Datasource](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/blob/main/zenml/core/datasources/postgres_datasource.py) added.

Bug Fixes + Refactor
* Slight change to telemetry utils -> Now opt-out also sends a signal.


Not secure
This release is a big design change and refactor. It involves a significant change in the Configuration file structure, meaning this is a **breaking upgrade**. For those upgrading from 0.2.0, we ask to please delete their old `pipelines` dir and `.zenml` folders and start afresh with a `zenml init`.

If only working locally, this is as simple as:

cd zenml_enabled_repo
rm -rf pipelines/
rm -rf .zenml/

And then another init:

pip install --upgrade zenml
zenml init

New Features
* [BatchInferencePipeline](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/tree/main/examples/batch_inference) added for offline batch inference use-cases.
* [Google Cloud Platform Bootstrapping Terraform](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/tree/main/examples/bootstrapping/gcp) script added for one-command bootstrapping of ZenML on GCP.
* `DeployPipeline` added to deploy a pipeline directly without having to create a `TrainingPipeline`.

Bug Fixes + Refactor
* Now you can run pipelines from within any subdirectory in the repo.
* Relaxed restriction on custom steps having sub-directories with their module.
* Relationship between `Datasource` and `Data Step` refined.
* Numerous small bugs and refinements to facilitate flexible API design.

Note: Future releases are also expected to be breaking. Until announced, please expect that upgrading ZenML versions may cause older-ZenML generated pipelines to behave unexpectedly.


Not secure
This new release is a major one. Its the first to introduce our new integrations system, which is meant to be used to extend ZenML with various other ML/MLOps libraries easily. The first big advantage one gets is :rocket: PyTorch Support :rocket:!

pip install --upgrade zenml

And to enable the PyTorch extension:

pip install zenml[pytorch]

New Features
* Introduced integrations for ZenML with the [extra_requires](https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html) setuptools paradigm.
* Added PyTorchTrainer support with easily extendable `TorchBaseTrainer` [example](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/tree/main/examples/pytorch).
* Restructured trainer steps to be more intuitive to extend from Tensorflow and PyTorch. Now, we have a `TrainerStep`, followed by `TFBaseTrainerStep` and `TorchBaseTrainerStep`.
* The `input_fn` of the TorchTrainer have implemented in a way that it can ingest from a tfrecords file. This marks one of the few projects out there
that have native support for ingesting the TFRecords format into PyTorch directly.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed an issue with `Repository.get_zenml_dir()` that caused any pipeline creates below root level to fail on creation.

Documentation Annoucement
The [docs](https://docs.zenml.io) are almost complete! We are at 80% completion. Keep an eye out as we update with more details on how to use/extend ZenML and [let us know via slack](https://zenml.io/slack-invite) if there is something missing!


Not secure
New Features
* Added [Kubernetes Orchestrator](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/tree/main/zenml/core/backends/orchestrator/kubernetes) to run pipelines on a kubernetes cluster.
* Added timeseries support with [StandardSequencerStep](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/blob/main/zenml/core/steps/sequencer/standard_sequencer/standard_sequencer.py).
* Added more [CLI groups] such as `step`, `datasource` and `pipelines`. E.g. `zenml pipeline list` gives list of pipelines in current repo.
* Completed a significant portion of the [Docs](https://docs.zenml.io).
* Refactored Step Interfaces for easier integrations into other libraries.
* Added a [GAN Example](https://github.com/maiot-io/zenml/tree/main/examples/gan) to showcase ImageDatasource.
* Set up base for more Trainer Interfaces like PyTorch, scikit etc.
* Added ability to see historical steps.

Bug Fixes
* All files except YAML files picked up while parsing `pipelines_dir`, in reference to concerns raised in 13.

Upcoming changes
* Next release will be a major one and will involve refactoring of design decisions that might cause backward incompatible changes to existing ZenML repos.

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