``TMLE`` now allows estimation of risk ratios and odds ratios. Estimation procedure is based on ``tmle.R``
``TMLE`` variance formula has been modified to match ``tmle.R`` rather than other resources. This is beneficial for
future implementation of missing data adjustment. Also would allow for mediation analysis with TMLE (not a priority
for me at this time).
``TMLE`` now includes an option to place bounds on predicted probabilities using the ``bound`` option. Default is to use
all predicted probabilities. Either symmetrical or asymmetrical truncation can be specified.
``TimeFixedGFormula`` now allows weighted data as an input. For example, IPMW can be integrated into the time-fixed
g-formula estimation. Estimation for weighted data uses statsmodels GEE. As a result of the difference between GLM
and GEE, the check of the number of dropped data was removed.
``TimeVaryGFormula`` now allows weighted data as an input. For example, Sampling weights can be integrated into the
time-fixed g-formula estimation. Estimation for weighted data uses statsmodels GEE.
Added Sciatica Trial data set. Mertens, BJA, Jacobs, WCH, Brand, R, and Peul, WC. Assessment of patient-specific
surgery effect based on weighted estimation and propensity scoring in the re-analysis of the Sciatica Trial. PLOS
One 2014. Future plan is to replicate this analysis if possible.
Added data from Freireich EJ et al., "The Effect of 6-Mercaptopurine on the Duration of Steriod-induced
Remissions in Acute Leukemia: A Model for Evaluation of Other Potentially Useful Therapy" *Blood* 1963
``TMLE`` now allows general sklearn algorithms. Fixed issue where ``predict_proba()`` is used to generate probabilities
within ``sklearn`` rather than ``predict``. Looking at this, I am probably going to clean up the logic behind this and
the rest of ``custom_model`` functionality in the future
``AIPW`` object now contains ``risk_difference`` and ``risk_ratio`` to match ``RiskRatio`` and ``RiskDifference``