IPW all moved to zepid.causal.ipw. zepid.ipw is no longer supported
IPTW, IPCW, IPMW are now their own classes rather than functions. This was done since diagnostics are easier for IPTW
and the user can access items directly from the models this way.
Addition of TimeVaryGFormula to fit the g-formula for time-varying exposures/confounders
effect_measure_plot() is now EffectMeasurePlot() to conform to PEP
ROC_curve() is now roc(). Also 'probability' was changed to 'threshold', since it now allows any continuous variable for
threshold determinations
Added sensitivity analysis as proposed by Fox et al. 2005 (MonteCarloRR)
Updated Sensitivity and Specificity functionality. Added Diagnostics, which calculates
both sensitivity and specificity.
Updated dynamic risk plots to avoid merging warning. Input timeline is converted to a integer (x100000), merged, then
back converted
Updated spline to use np.where rather than list comprehension
Summary data calculators are now within zepid.calc.utils
All pandas effect/association measure calculations will be migrating from functions to classes in a future version.
This will better meet PEP syntax guidelines and allow users to extract elements/print results. Still deciding on the
setup for this... No changes are coming to summary measure calculators (aside from possibly name changes). Intended as