
Latest version: v1.17.3

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+ `DRAW` is now much faster (and a bit more larger)
+ `PLOT`, `DRAW` and `CIRCLE` now supports change screen address (for double-buffering)
+ Added `LBOUND()` and `UBOUND()` functions
+ ! Fixed a bug in `IF`/`THEN`/`ELSEIF`/`ELSE` construct (thanks to LTee)
+ Added a completely new preprocessor which now support true macros and
better line counting handling. This is a major change in the compiler.
+ Added string management library with `UCase()`, `LCase()`, `Ucase2()`, `LCase2()`, `InStr()` and `StrPos()`
+ ! UDG where not being handled into the Heap, which might lead to program
crash (fixed). This is done only if `--sinclair` or `-Z` cmdline flag is used.
+ Added support for `BIN`, so `BIN 01010101` is also accepted now.
+ ! Fixed a bug with string parameters passed by value (again) not being correctly
free upon return and crashing the program.
+ `BEEP` with constant duration and pitch (e.g. `BEEP 1, 2`) has been
optimized for space (and also slightly faster)
+ Added Flight Simulator example


+ Bitwise `bAND`, `bOR`, `bXOR`, `bNOT` finally added for 8, 16 and 32 bits
+ The assembler now supports `ALIGN <integer>` directive
+ Added support for logical `XOR` (`IF A XOR B THEN`...)
+ Added support for checking out of memory in runtime (`--debug-memory`)
+ Added support for checking BREAK in runtime (`--enable-break`)
+ Added support for Subscript Out of Range in runtime (`--debug-array`)
+ Added support for `--strict-boolean` (0 or 1) values
+ Added `print64()` by Britlion library routine, and Mojon Twins FourSpriter version (more to come).
+ Fixed a bug in `RANDOMIZE` which wasn't updating the seed correctly.
+ Fixed a pragma typo in `POS.bas` library which lead to errors.
+ ! Fixed a bug in `STR$`, `VAL`, `CHR$` and `CODE` which could crash the program.
+ ! Fixed a bug in string comparison
+ ! Fixed 2 more bugs in the peephole optimizer (`-O3`) which could crash the program.
+ ! Fixed some syntax bugs. `PI()` and `RND()` are now allowed.<br />
Calling functions with no parenthesis is allowed too.
+ ! Fixed a parser bug in which empty `WHILE` / `DO` .. `LOOP` loops crashed the compiler. Fixed.
+ ! Array access has been optimized for speed. Now faster.
+ ! For loops have been slightly optimized.
+ ! MEM_FREE heap routine has been slightly optimized.
+ The `print*` intermediate code instructions have been removed and converted to routines.
+ Lot of code refactoring, and moved to the standard trunk/tag/branches SVN repository scheme.
+ String expressions are now standardized (like any other data type).
+ TDD: Begin to create tests cases for the compiler.



+ ! Under some pathological cases, compiling or assembling will last for exponential time (minutes to hours!),
due to a possible bug/misuse of a regular expression. Fixed. Now it takes linear time.
+ Added support for `IXh`, `IXl`, `IYh`, `IYl` registers.
+ Added support for `DEFS` macro. Now `DEFS n, B` creates a block of n times byte B
+ ! Instructions `LD A, R` and `LD R, A` where also missing. Fixed.

+ ! The optimizer -O2 was broken, and contained 3 bugs. Fixed.
+ ! The optimizer -O3 was broken, and contained more than 15 bugs. It's been almost completely rewritten.<br />
Fixed. Now it even tries to optimize ASM users code.
+ ! The operator was broken under some circumstances (array accesses and variables). Fixed.
+ ! The memory heap was also broken almost always when using any string in the program (INKEY$, STR$, CHR$, $ variables). Fixed.
+ ! Signed LONG division was wrong for positive divisors. Fixed.
+ ! Byte comparison operators < > = >= <= were sometimes bugged. Fixed.
+ ! using MOD with Fixed type was unsupported. Fixed. Now MOD used Fixed type.
+ ! INT(Fixed) was wrong. Fixed.
! Temporary attributes BOLD and ITALIC were disabled. Now they are back.


* Added `SAVE`/`LOAD`/`VERIFY` `CODE`/`SCREEN$` capabilities (uses ROM routines)
* Fixed a bug in ` `operand which produced a memory leak


* ! `CHR$` and `STR$` might not use the HEAP without initializing
it first, leading to memory corruption. Fixed. Thanks to Britlion.
* HEAP size can now be set with a command line parameter.


* ! `DIM` with array base was buggy. Fixed.
* ! `INK 8` and `PAPER 8` were being ignored. Now they work.

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