=== + ! Fixed bug with assembler and temporary labels + ! Fixed bug with drawing primitives (PLOT, DRAW, CIRCLE) * Improved optimization for binary operators (*, +)
=== + minor bugfixes in the assembler and the testing suite + optimize PRINT routine (faster, smaller)
=== + Added optional parameters + Added keyword args + Allow temporary labels (1b, 1f) in the assembler + ! Fixed several bugs in the assembler and compiler + Produces better code for multiplications in ZX Next + zx0 compression library updated (thx to Einar Saukas)
=== + ! Fixed a bug with command line options + ! Fixed a bug with some saved options being ignored
=== + ! Fixed a bug in the peephole optimizer (-O4) + Implemented include MACRO + Added functions ltrim/trim/rtrim to <string.bas> + Some libraries rearranged.
=== + ! Fixed bugs and improved stability, specially with the optimizer + Variables and functions now allow underscore character * Peephole optimizer is now smarter * Compiler now allows config files to avoid repearing cmdline flags * Added pragma once