
Latest version: v3.4.7

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Fixes a crash when CPU boost was not available and the setting got incorrectly disabled.

New Contributors
* nemanjan00 made their first contribution in

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Fixes fedora showing the `tuned` service always and triggering the conflict check.

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For the Ally, the AC TDP values were used to interpolate boost, which caused the processor to drop TDP for a couple of seconds randomly if a high enough TDP was used. Now the boost values are always set to be the battery ones, ensuring 0 freezes. In an upcoming release, AC/DC profiles will be introduced, so the old boost values will be reverted.

**Full Changelog**:


Fixes mimicking the variant dbus strings of PPD so that KDE powerdevil does not have issues on boot. The polkit service files are still not shipped, so the PPD feature has a dependency on power-profiles-daemon being installed. It is also still disabled by default.

**Full Changelog**:


Disables PPD integration by default until packaging can be completed properly and strips it from the packagebuilds for AUR and COPR.

**Full Changelog**:


> The packagebuilds for this update briefly contained the polkit file to enable access to the PPD
> namespace (for around 20 minutes) which did not have valid permissions.
> This can cause dbus to fail, see the comment [here]( to fix.
> The packages on COPR and AUR have been updated, local installs were never affected.

This release adds energy management settings for devices and PPD emulation, as Handheld Daemon now conflicts with PPD.
- CPU Power option: Maps to EPP settings `power`, `balance_power`, `balance_performance`
- CPU Minimum Frequency: Based on this [PPD Pull Request](, allows setting the minimum frequency of the CPU to around 1GHz (the minimum non-linear frequency of the CPU). May improve frame times
- CPU Boost option: adds support for the new boost endpoint coming in linux 6.11. Support for the legacy endpoint in linux-handheld remains

These options can be automatically set by handheld daemon in auto mode based on TDP, so novice users do not need to worry.

If Energy Management is enabled, Handheld Daemon will launch a dbus daemon that mimics PPD, allowing setting TDP from KDE and Gnome for all devices.


**Full Changelog**:

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