
Latest version: v3.4.7

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This version adds extra checks for number limits on the legion go for the fan curve and custom TDP.

**Full Changelog**:


This hotfix removes acpi_call as a requirement for the ROG ally, since the kernel driver is used for all functionality.

**Full Changelog**:


This minor release fixes some quirks with the ally TDP controls.

New Features
- Fixes the fan curve being set breaking granular TDP setting
- Removes the enforce limits button from the fan UI since Asus bakes in the protection in the bios
- Adds disclaimer about the limits Asus sets through the bios so that users are not surprised when they set invalid curves
- Asus allows a flat 20% curve across all temperatures on low TDPs so it does not make sense to have a min curve
- Adds a disclaimer about those bios limits
- In general, the timings of setting TDP and the curves are tweaked to be gentler, and curves are not disabled anymore after re-applying.
- Raises the limit outside of spec to be up to 50W, since the ally can do 43W sustained without a bios mod.


This feature release adds bespoke TDP controls for the ally. The TDP controls are applied using the asus-wmi kernel driver, and program the EC processor of the device. This means that the tdp values set by Adjustor should persist throughout AC/DC disconnects etc.

In addition, the boost values are now interpolated based on the device's maximum (53W).

And of course, custom fan curves.

**Full Changelog**:


This minor release fixes the acpi_call check being done before loading acpi_call, adds more delays to setting lenovo TDP to avoid instability, and tweaks the style of the TDP status display.

**Full Changelog**:


This semi-major release of adjustor adds ACPI event handling, e.g., Handheld Daemon becomes aware of both AC/DC events and TDP changes with Legion L + Y. This allows both the UI to update instantly and for handheld daemon to restore custom TDP where applicable (just for the Legion Go for now).

In addition, it lazy applies TDP now, so changes to TDP are now only applied after you let go of the sliders.

The license of the project also changes to GPLv3.

**Full Changelog**:

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