* ! On Win32, the home directory (where the "advene" folder for
configuration files is stored) is now stored in the USERPROFILE
directory - usually something like C:\Documents and settings\Loginname
If you had a previous configuration file, please copy it to the new
* Win32 bugfixes (relation creation, timestamp mark colors, montage...)
* Win32: VLC can be bundled in the Advene installer package
* New adhoc view : finder (column-based finder a la Mac OS X)
* New actions:
* Pronounce (through Text-To-Speech). Works on MacOS X
(directly) and Linux (with festival configured to output through
ALSA, cf http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_speechdUse_alsa_output_method ).
* PopupGotoOutgoingRelated: displays a navigation popup based on
* PlaySoundClip: plays a soundclip from the 'soundclips' resource
folder of the package
* PlaySound: plays a sound file
* General:
* Package data can be exported to other formats (SMIL, SVG, MPEG7...)
through the File/Export menuitem.
* The package can automatically be saved when saving the package. This
behaviour is tunable in Edit/Preferences/Standard views
* A first-time simple configuration dialog is displayed for new users.
* Advene can check daily if a new release exists, if the appropriate
option (menu Edit/Preferences/General) is turned on, or through the
Help/Check for updates menu.
* The SVG-subset editor handles text shapes and links, and shapes can
be reordered
* A new content mimetype, application/x-advene-values, allows to
represent a series of values as a bargraph in annotation content
* Quicksearch:
* Search-options are now displayed when left-clicking on the search
* A Google-like syntax can be used: search for multiple word,
use +word and -word to include/exclude words from the search, use
quotes to specify "words with whitespaces"
* When searching for a single word, it will also be highlighted in
opened transcription and note-taking views.
* It is possible to search/replace text in the content of the
annotations in a query result.
* Timeline:
* Double click on an annotation will open its edit window rather than
simply edit its content (which is always possible with Return)
* It is possible to select multiple annotations, either with
shift-click on the annotation widget or by defining a region around
the annotations. It is then possible to edit, duplicate, delete or
zoom over selected annotations, through the selection toolbar item or
the timeline context menu.
* Screenshots can be displayed in the timeline scale, by
redimensionning the scale vertical dimension. Screenshots are usually
generated on annotation bounds, but can also be generated every 500ms
through the Player/Generate Screenshots menuitem.
* Buttons for previous/next annotation are present at the right of
the annotation-type widget. The legend must be resized for them to
appear, in order not to take too much space by default.
* If the timeline displays only a subset of annotations (e.g. the
result of a search), the "Restrict playing" will play only the
selected annotations in the type.
* Note-taking:
* Marks are inserted with double-click
* It is possible to search for a string
* Text automatically scrolls to the current timestamp mark
* New buttons: "Center on current mark", "Activate automatic mark
insertion" (toggle)
* Note-taking views can be saved as adhoc-views
* The convert dialog has been revamped
* Transcription:
* Double-click in the text will play the corresponding annotation
* Dynamic views:
* The TALES expression for the predefined values is displayed in the
* The composition operator for conditions can be chosen (and/or)
-- Olivier Aubert <olivier.aubertliris.cnrs.fr> Wed, 09 Jan 2008 17:31:39 +0100