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* Stable release

* When using next/previous navigation button in annotation edit widgets,
automatically validate the annotation

* Bookmarks: use multiline comments

* New shortcuts:
* Control-return: split annotation at the current player position
* Shift-delete: delete the annotation
* Control-k: select the quicksearch entry field

-- Olivier Aubert <> Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:55:26 +0100


* Interface language can be specified in the Edit/Preferences/GUI window

* The standard adhoc-views, opened at startup, now must be defined
through the File/Save worskpace as standard workspace menuitem. The
previous way (Edit/Preferences/GUI) has been removed.

* New adhoc view: montage, proposing a dynamic montage of a sequence of

* Timeline:

* new shortcut 'h' to un/highlight the annotation in all open

* new shortcut 'c' to center the view on the current player position

* a single left-click on an annotation will play it. This feature can
be disabled by a toggle in the toolbar.

* it is possible to restrict the playing to a specific annotation-type
by clicking the play button at the left of the annotation title. Click
again to deactivate it.

* transtyping annotations can be done by drag and dropping an
annotation directly in the timeline (it was previously necessary to
drop it on the annotation-type title). It is also possible to directly
duplicate the annotation and create a relation.

* when creating relations by drag-and-drop of an annotation on another
one, offer to create a new annotation-type

* drag and drop of an annotation-type on another one will propose to
copy all annotations or annotations containing a search string.

* an annotation preview is now displayed at the right of the timeline

* fix display problem on MacOS X and annotation-types update bug

* a montage view opened from the timeline (button in the top
right-hand corner) will have a zoom level coordinated with the

* if the loop toggle button in the timeline toolbar is active, then
playing an annotation (by left-click) will automatically loop on it.

* Note-taking view

* improve the behaviour of the automatic mark insertion feature

* text auto-completion is activated

* Bookmarks: it is possible to add comments to bookmarks

* Transcription view: new "quick switch" button to switch between
different representations.

* Element edit popups: they now are updated if the edited element is
updated by another way (e.g. quick-edit for annotations). For
annotations, Previous/Next buttons allow to edit the previous/next
annotation of the same type. It also possible to highlight the edited
annotation in opened views.

* Dynamic views:

* The syntax for TALES expression input has changed: input fields are
considered as strings by default. The ${expr} syntax must be used to
enter TALES paths.

* They can now specify subviews (other views that should also be
activated upon view activation)

* Predefined values are proposed for action parameters

* To rename a view, double-click on its tab.

* Error messages are now saved to ~/.advene/advene.log (for win32 users,
it is in \Documents and Settings\Username\Advene, for MacOS X users,
it is in $HOME/Libray/Preferences/Advene)

* Quicksearch:

* A search result can be converted to new annotations, or into a montage
of existing annotations (from the context menu on view tab)

* It is possible to search annotations and relations based on tags

* Context menu for elements :

* Automatic numbering of annotations: available from the annotation-type
popup menu

* New actions for annotation types (display in table, use as
a montage...). Note that most actions are more readily accessible by
drag-and-drop of the annotation-type into an view zone.

* Settings and logs are saved in $HOME/Library/Preferences/Advene on MacOS X

* Importers:

* MPEG7 importer (handles FreeTextAnnotations only)

* Anvil importer

* AnnotationGraph importer

-- Olivier Aubert <> Wed, 14 Nov 2007 15:44:28 +0100


* An expert-mode toggle proposes more features in the GUI

* Transcription view: text is now searchable

* Timeline: left click in the upper part (timestamps) sets
the player position

* Default options for adhoc views can now be saved (through the view
contextual menu, right-click on the view name in the tab).

* The workspace (GUI layout + opened views) can be saved, either as an
adhoc-view, or as a default workspace that will be presented on
application startup.

* A periodic auto-save feature has been implemented. Refer to the
application preferences to activate it.

* Timeline:

* the behaviour of double-click (goto annotation or edit annotation
content) can be tuned in the timeline options.

* annotations tooltips are re-enabled

* Drag and drop of annotations and annotation types to a viewbook
proposes to open appropriate views.

* Text autocompletion is activated for textual content of annotations
and views.

* New proposed mimetype for annotations: image/svg+xml. The graphical
editor has been extended to load/parse a subset of SVG.

-- Olivier Aubert <> Thu, 19 Sep 2007 15:21:00 +0200


* Model: it is possible to open uncompressed .azp packages. The
directory name must end with the .azp extension.

* The FCK editor, WYSISWYG browser-based HTML editor, has been

* GUI:
* Dialogs position is centered on the mouse cursor
* New layout: adhoc views can be put at the west, east and south
of the video window, as well as the right side of the application
* Allow to move adhoc views from one zone to another, through a popup
menu or drag and drop.
* Quicksearch functionality (text entry at the top right hand corner),
with options through right-click on the search icon
* Search results are displayed in a table
* Clicking on an adhoc-view icon will display a contextual menu to
offer various display options (embed, popup...)
* Element creation: ask for a title, and generate a valid id from it

* Widget colors:
* container types (schema, annotation-type,
relation-type) have a 'color' and 'item_color' metadata attribute,
which hold TALES expressions returning color (names or code in the
form RRGGBB). An element will first check if it has a valid color
attribute. If not, it will check if its container has a valid
item_color attribute. If not, it will use its container color.
* colored annotations work on Win32

* Timeline: GUI rework
* replace zoom slider by a zoom combo box + zoom in/out buttons
* draw separators between annotation type lines
* replace toolbar mode buttons by a popup menu when drag-and-dropping
annotations (relation creation, annotation alignment...)
* annotation tooltips are replaced by a status line in the toolbar

* Treeview:
* views are sorted alphabetically and categorized (static, dynamic, adhoc)

* New global method: representation, which returns a concise
representation for the element.

-- Olivier Aubert <> Thu, 07 Jun 2007 13:56:59 +0200


* It is possible to enter a googlevideo/youtube/dailymotion URL in the
"File/Select a video stream" dialog.

* Annotation coloring: a new global method, tag_color, has been
introduced to offer a color tagging facility. To use it, you must
specify the TALES expression "here/tag_color" as the "color" attribute
of the annotation type, and set the tag color through the tag bag

* DVD device/drive: it can be configured from the Player preferences window

* File import: allow to choose the desired import filter, and display a
progress bar

* Adhoc-views (timeline, transcription...): parametered adhoc-views can
be saved as Advene views (for instance, choosing the displayed
annotation types in the timeline) and restored. To save them, use the
"Save view" menuitem from the view tab contextual menu (right click on
the view name). To restore them, do a right-click or drag and drop
from the item in the tree view.

* Transcription view: it now uses a TALES expression as
argument. It can thus display query results or any set of annotations
as a transcription. Preferences offer a set of predefined separators.

* Bag of tags: this new view allows to manage tags applied to
elements (mostly annotations), through drag-and-drop.

* Timeline: new shortcut ('t') to toggle tooltips display

* Navigation history:
* items from the history are removable (by drag and drop on the
Remove button)
* it is possible to open many history views. They can be populated
by drag and drop from the other history views or the timeline, and
act as a visual table of contents.

* Interactive query: offer to activate/desactivate result annotations

* Web server:

* webserver logs are stored in ~/.advene/webserver.log

* the old mainloop-based mode (1) for webservers has been
removed. The['mode'] parameter is now a

* an experimental webcherry-based webserver has been
implemented. To test it, install cherrypy 3.0 and add the
following line to advene.ini:['engine']='cherrypy'

* gstreamer plugin: it can display text subtitles, and make snapshots

-- Olivier Aubert <> Thu, 5 Apr 2007 11:04:36 +0200


* New command line options. Do advene --help to see them. It is possible
to specify the alias for packages loaded from the command line, with
the syntax: alias=uri

* New file format: .apl (Advene package list). It is used to save a work
session (list of opened packages), from the File/Save session menu.

* The default template is now template.azp, so that new packages have a
Resources reference by default.

* A RelationType can specify a "Any annotation type" as member

* Importers: implemented importer for .iri files

* preliminary tags support has been implemented for annotations and
relations (based on Frank Wagner work)

* new annotation methods to deal with relations:
* relatedOut and relatedIn return a list of related (outgoing or
incoming) annotations.
* typedRelatedOut and typedRelatedIn return a dictionary indexed by
relation type id, which holds the list of related annotations.
* typedIncomingRelations/typedOutgoingRelations: return categorized relations

* GUI:

* it is possible to load multiple packages in the GUI. Only one
package is active at a time (for movie, dynamic views...) but it is
possible to easily switch between packages (through the Packages
menuitem) and access to all packages data is possible through the

The /packages/advene expression always represents the currently active
package. Other packages are accessed through expressions like

The alias is automatically generated from the filename, and can be
modified in the file selector dialog.

* merge functionality (menu File/Merge): elements from another package
can be merged into the current package.

* the player control toolbar has been put beneath the video output,
and is hidden in embedded adhoc views. The main player control
toolbar presents a volume control widget.

* non-text resources/contents are handled by a GenericContentHandler,
that offers loading/saving to/from a file.

* it is possible to insert a resource directly from a file

* if the user tries to open a videofile through the Open package
menuitem, do what is expected (select the videofile).

* default adhoc views to be opened/embedded on application startup can
be specified through the Preferences menu

* better drag and drop interaction with other applications

* optionally ask to save the imagecache on exit (cf preferences)

* in interactive query (menu Edit/Find), propose multiple output modes
(timeline, edit window, python evaluator), and offer a simplified
search box to search for a string in the annotations content.

* Views:

* view notebooks are also used for the right-hand side of the video

* added a GenericContentHandler to edit non-text resources

* snapshots can be invalidated from the annotation edition popup
(right-click on the snapshot)

* in transcription view, annotations can be modified and update the
content accordingly

* the history view is cleared on media change

* it is possible to duplicate an annotation (same duration)

* new 'Caption' view widget intended to replace the caption
functionality in non-complete players (experimental)

* "Loop on annotation" feature, accessible from the context menu of

* timeline:

* it is possible to specify the ordered list of
displayed annotation types

* annotations can be resized by dragging the bounds (must be dragged
on the layout background, not on another annotation)

* relations are represented by lines, with a dot as starting
point. Annotations with relations are underlined (rather than bold)

* annotations can be split through their context menu

* annotations can be created from the popup menu (with a default
duration of 1/20 of the media duration)

* control + scrollwheel on an annotation widget
increments/decrements the value of the begin or
end. Control+shift+scrollwheel moves the whole annotation.

* control+click on the begin or end of the annotation sets the
bound to the current player position value

* autoscroll can either scroll discontinuously, or keep the current
mark centered and continuously scroll the widgets

* annotation widget shortcuts: 'e' to edit, 'p' to play (begin or
end, depending on the cursor position), 'Return' to quickly edit the
content, space plays the active annotation (even it the cursor is
not on the annotation widget)

* shortcut: 'p' in the timeline background plays the movie at the
cursor position.

* annotations can be colored according to a TALES expression from
their type

* new button "Center on current position"

* new contextual action "Center and zoom", to center and zoom on the
given annotation

* some basic type checking and conversion is done when transmuting

* Return on an annotation type will create a new annotation "on the
fly" (aligned with the current video time).

* display parameters of the timeline (font-size, button height...) are
customizable through the Preferences dialog

* if the gtkmozembed or gtkhtml2 library is present, DnD of the web
browser button will embed a HTML view in the GUI.

* transcription:

* allow to get a transcription either for the whole package, or for
a given annotation type

* note-taking widget:

* it is possible to import existing annotations

* when converting to annotations, propose to delete existing
annotations of the given type

* control+scroll on a timestamp mark updates the timestamp. If the
play-on-scroll option is active, the player will play the new
timestamp when the control key is released.

* control+click on a mark sets the timestamp to the current movie time

* timestamps marks can be auto-inserted when starting to type, by
setting an appropriate delay in the Preferences

* Actions:

* new actions: Entry (to allow entry of information through a popup),
SetVolume, SetRate

* new TALES root element: packages (to access all the loaded packages)

* TALES global methods can be applied on non-advene elements (for
instance lists)

* Registered actions propose meaningful default values

* Webserver

* /action displays links (with form if necessary for
parameters) in the list of actions

* /media/current returns the current media file

* Players

* There is a new gstreamer plugin. It depends on python-gst >= 0.10

-- Olivier Aubert <> Thu, 1 Jun 2006 16:01:10 +0200

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