
Latest version: v3.5

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* New package format (.azp, for Advene Zip Package) allowing to embed
resources (files) in packages. You can save old .xml files into .azp
files to get them converted. For instance,
access to resources is done through the TALES expression
To use this resource in a TAL template, you can then use:
<link tal:attributes="href package/resources/style.css/absolute_url" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

* A filename extension (.azp or .xml) is automatically appended if not

* Advene now depends on gtk >= 2.8

* New global method: related. Returns, for an annotation, its related
annotation. It is a shortcut useful for the case of binary relations:
is equivalent to

* global methods can be defined by user plugins (in .advene/plugins
directory) through controller.register_global_method

* ! Moved config and preferences files to ~/.advene directory
(UserDir/advene on Windows)

* New annotation mimetype (application/x-advene-zone) which allows to
define rectangular zones.

* GUI:
* a view notebook holds the popupaccumulator below the video. It allows
to embed other views (timeline, treeview, transcription...) simply by
drag and drop of the view toolbutton into the notebook
* the treeview can be displayed by default on the right of the video
window (replacing the less used, for now, URL stack window), see the
preferences panel
* added an element creation toolbar
* generic player control shortcuts are used throughout the program:
Tab: play/pause
Control-Left, Control-Right: move forward/backwards
Home: goto start of the movie
* Edit/Preferences now allows to modify paths (data, movies, player, imagecache) (from Frank Wagner)
* Imagecache saves files with a .png extension
* The not_yet_available image is now loaded from share/pixmaps/notavailable.png
* Automatically close non-updateable views on package loading

* The dummy player now returns a running time

* Importer
* implemented CMML import

* Timeline
* Add shortcut to edit an annotation: 'e' to edit the selected
annotation (selection can be moved with arrow keys)

* TranscriptionEdit:
* clicking on a mark now goes to the position. Use the popup menu to remove marks.
* control-space now sets a mark and pauses the movie

* Snapshot cache now saves files with a .png extension (from Frank Wagner)

* Implemented plugin architecture (user-defined plugins in ~/.advene/plugins)

* webserver:
* message log is now available from the menu (View->Webserver log), and
not displayed on the console
* new action: /admin/halt (useful for the standalone case)
* new action: /admin/methods displays the list of available TALES methods
* new path: /action/ActionName?param=TALESexpr to invoke actions defined
in the ECA framework

* Advene no longer depends on the Image module. It only uses it if image
type conversion is necessary.

* Added spanish translations (courtesy of Emmanuel Ayala)
* Bugfix in path initialization

* Multiple instances can now run simultaneously (only the first instance
activates its webserver)

* evaluator: changed some shortcuts (see help), implemented expression history

-- Olivier Aubert <> Wed, 15 Mar 2006 13:04:10 +0100


* TranscriptionEdit:
* It is now embedded into the main GUI
* New keybindings:
Tab: player play/pause
Control-Return: insert a timestamp mark with the current position value
Control-left/right: forward/backward in video
Control-home: go to beginning of the video
Control-PageDown/Up: goto the next/previous mark
* TranscriptionView:
* Sort annotations before displaying them
* Textual annotation/view editing:
handle open/save to a file, with corresponding
keyboard shortcuts (control-o, control-s), and reload (control-r)
* Package properties :
* Add a Open button to select associated video file

-- Olivier Aubert <> Sun, 29 May 2005 18:39:30 +0200


* Main GUI :
* Video output is now embedded
* Added a --no-embedded option
* Added some views (navigation history, urlstack, popups)
around the video window
* Popups now use the AccumulatorPopup
* Screenshots are now displayed in popups
* File history is available (next to the open button)
* Added -c<configfile> command line option
* remove all elements from a given annotationtype or relationtype from
the contextual menu
* The webbrowser icon now displays a UTBV menu
* The Edit/Find functionality is implemented (using InteractiveQuery)
* Results from the Advene browser can be displayed in a line

* New action: OpenURL

* Added default_utbv and default_stbv metadata to package

* New config variables:
*['displaymode'] : default display
mode (default or raw)
*['moviepath'] : movie files search path

* Webserver:
* Default display mode is now 'raw'
* query parameters are available through the 'request' root element
* /media/play now accepts a ?stbv=... parameter
* implemented /application/adhoc to open GUI views and
/application/stbv to activate STBVs

* Timeline :
* implemented annotation alignment (by drag'n drop)
* annotations can be transmuted (by DND on an annotation type)
* all annotation types (event empty ones) are displayed
* new zoom possibility by clicking on timestamps labels
* relations can be displayed by moving the cursor
over the annotation widgets (option controlled by toolbar)

* New player module: mplayer (incomplete)

* TranscriptionEdit :
* added adjustment possibilities for the marks, using adjustable
reaction time value
* it is now possible to create a new annotation type/schema
when doing the conversion
* "Save" action preserves timestamps
* "Ignore text" functionality
* Load/save transcription files handles [] timestamps,
and ignored text
* added player control toolbar
* C-s shortcut to save transcription
* Insert a default 0-mark

* Importer
* implemented PRAAT import
* use the userid as author for imported elements

* Internal
* Identifiers are now generated through the IDGenerator
module (more readable ids)
* Evaluator: implemented dict key completion
* Use an event queue for notify events, so that the GUI
does not freeze when receiving input from webserver
(player interaction, STBV selection, etc)
* Edit elements forms now do a simple check
for the validity of TALES expressions
* Re-generated API documentation in doc/html
* Added an example bin/sample_player

-- Olivier Aubert <> Sun, 13 Mar 2005 22:03:50 +0100


* Normalize DVD naming scheme: dvdtitle:chapter
* Implemented TALESEntry (use browser to get TALES expressions)
* Implemented TranscriptionEdit
* Fixed template file (missing mimetype for simpletext annotation type)
* Added OpenView action (open a GUI view)
* ELANImporter: generate annotation types based on LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF + TIER_ID
* Added '-p' command-line option to select a player ('dummy', 'vlcnative', 'vlcorbit')
* New global method: length
* Annotations can be resized from the timeline view

-- Olivier Aubert <> Sun, 13 Feb 2005 15:16:40 +0100


* New Win32 related fixes (mostly build-related)

-- Olivier Aubert <> Mon, 31 Jan 2005 12:09:19 +0100


* Misc Win32 related fixes:
* advene.iss file for InnoSetup
* get misc parameters from registry
* creation of for py2exe support

-- Olivier Aubert <> Thu, 27 Jan 2005 17:47:38 +0100

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