
Latest version: v5.0.0

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Fixes to some bugs regarding the GetSpawnAreaABoveReceptacle, RotateHand, and ToggleObject actions.


Minor fridge bug fixes and adding OpennessPercent to the metadata.


Correct metadata serialization issue with JsonUtility


-adding base versions of the teleport action to the BaseFPSAgentController.cs script so the stochastic controller can also teleport


Adding functionality to allow any action that takes an `objectId` to target a sim object to also take screenspace coordinates (x, y) to target objects via their position in the agent's camera.

Also added in functionality to the Pickup action that allows an object to be picked up at the object's location rather than abstracted and teleported into the agent's hand.


-fixed error in setting open percentage for objects like drawers that use the MovementType.Slide movement type in the CanOpen_Object component.

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