* Fix window size restoring issues by gentlegiantJGC in https://github.com/Amulet-Team/Amulet-Map-Editor/pull/492 * Add support for 1.18 by gentlegiantJGC in https://github.com/Amulet-Team/Amulet-Core/pull/164 * Fix Amulet-Map-Editor/464 by gentlegiantJGC in https://github.com/Amulet-Team/Amulet-Core/pull/167 * Fixed error if data pack does not exist by Podshot in https://github.com/Amulet-Team/Amulet-Core/pull/172 * Fixed player rotation being NaN by gentlegiantJGC in https://github.com/Amulet-Team/Amulet-Core/pull/170 * Fixed a KeyError if LastPlayed did not exist by gentlegiantJGC in https://github.com/Amulet-Team/Amulet-Core/pull/168
Fixed biome data causing Bedrock edition to crash. If you have a world that crashes I would recommend rolling back to a backup, however modifying the chunks in this version and saving should fix the issue. * Fixed https://github.com/Amulet-Team/Amulet-Map-Editor/issues/475 * Fixed https://github.com/Amulet-Team/Amulet-Map-Editor/issues/491
Create backups of your worlds. This is experimental and may corrupt your world. Create backups of your worlds before opening them in Amulet. We are not responsible if your world gets corrupt and you do not have a backup. You have been warned.
Downloads Windows download links are at the bottom of this page. To run from source follow the instructions here but replace the version with 0.8.16a4 https://www.amuletmc.com/installing-from-source