**Support for the new 58259 update!**
- **The new `Data Triggers` functionality!** A powerful tool to communicate information from in-game to the parser!
- You can find the `Data Triggers` cheatsheet [here](https://ksneijders.github.io/AoE2ScenarioParser/cheatsheets/data_triggers/)!
- `message` field to the `modify_attribute` effect.
- `Area.to_chunks()` function is now **A LOT** faster in certain situations (sometimes 40x faster!)
- Issue with reading the new scenario files (since update 58259, 31-Jan-22)
- Issue with imported triggers not being deep-copied and causing reference problems
- Issue with copied triggers not being able to use `new_effect` and `new_condition`
- Issue where `get_unit_in_area` params `x2` and `y2` were considered exclusive
- Locations: `(0, 0), (3, 3)` would be considered like: `(0, 0), (2, 2)`