**Updated the minimum requirements to python 3.8 & Support for the new PUP September Scenarios!!**
- Support for the new `1.44` scenario version in the current September PUP beta on steam. **(Work in Progress)**
- A cheatsheet for the Map Manager [link](https://ksneijders.github.io/AoE2ScenarioParser/cheatsheets/map/)!
- Scenarios now have a `UUID`. This is used for easy access to information through the entire library.
This allowed the following:
- `variable: 0` now shows as: `variable: "NumberOfAttempts" (0)`
- `trigger_id: 1` now shows as: `trigger_id: "Move units" (1)`
- `location_object_reference: 222` now shows as:
location_object_reference: 1 unit:
0: Camel Rider [P1, X50.5, Y67.5] (222)
- `selected_object_ids: [21, 22]` now shows as:
selected_object_ids: 2 units:
0: Berserk [P1, X65.5, Y74.5] (21)
1: Berserk [P1, X66.5, Y75.5] (22)
- New properties to the `TerrainTile` object
- `x`: Get it's X coordinate
- `y`: Get it's Y coordinate
- `xy`: Get a tuple of it's XY coordinates
- `i`: Get it's index
- New functions to the map manager:
- `get_tile(x=.., y=..)` or `get_tile(i=..)`
- `get_square_1d(x1, y1, x2, y2)` and `get_square_2d(x1, y1, x2, y2)`
Get a square of tiles in a 1D or 2D list.
- `unit_manager.get_new_reference_id()` will now pull from a number generator instead of searching the entire unit list.
- Functions `xy_to_i` and `i_to_xy` having the x and y coordinate reversed.
- `bidict` still being imported while not being a dependency anymore
- Changing the map size linked all new terrain tiles to the same object
- Error being raised when importing `ProjectileInfo`
- `TimeUnit` dataset values `Years` and `Seconds` being the wrong way around.
- `object_location_reference` attribute from the `patrol` effect as it doesn't work in game.