
Latest version: v0.11.0

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Released 2024-01-15


* :class:`aspecd.utils.ToDictMixin` does no longer modify the ``__dict__`` or ``__odict__`` property of a class directly, what may have resulted in unexpected behaviour, but operates on a (deep)copy.


* Use Black for automatic code formatting



Released 2024-01-13

New features

* Processing steps

* :class:`aspecd.processing.CommonRangeExtraction` works for *N*\ D datasets with arbitrary dimension *N*

* Plotting

* Legend title can be set from recipes

* New attribute :attr:`aspecd.plotting.AxesProperties.invert` for inverting axes. Helpful, *e.g.*, for plotting FTIR data without having to resort to explicitly provide descending axis limits.

* Setting font size of axes labels via ``label_fontsize`` property.

* Colorbar for 2D plotter

* Annotations for plots

For details, see :ref:`the documentation of plot annotations <:sec:annotation:plot>` and the :mod:`aspecd.annotation` module.

* Device data

* New property :attr:`aspecd.dataset.Dataset.device_data` for storing additional/secondary (monitoring) data.

* New class :class:`aspecd.dataset.DeviceData` for device data.
* New class :class:`aspecd.analysis.DeviceDataExtraction` for extracting device data from a dataset as a separate dataset. This allows to proceed with the extracted datasets as with any other dataset.
* New class :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiDeviceDataPlotter1D` for plotting multiple device data of a single dataset.

* New parameter ``device_data`` in :class:`aspecd.plotting.Plotter` for plotting device data rather than primary data of a dataset/datasets

* Logging

* New function :func:`aspecd.utils.get_logger` to get a logger object for a given module with the logger within the hierarchy of the ASpecD root logger. Important for packages derived from the ASpecD framework in order to get their log messages being captured, *e.g.* during recipe-driven data analysis.


* Plotters can now handle device data instead of the primary data of a dataset (see above). This means, however, that instead of accessing ```` (or ``self.datasets[].data``), plotters need to access ```` (or ``[].data``) instead.

**Authors of derived packages should update their plotters accordingly.** See the :ref:`hints for developers on device data in the plotting module <sec:plotting:developers_data>`.

* Serving recipes logs messages from all ASpecD modules, not only from the :mod:`aspecd.tasks` module.

* :class:`` logs warning if no concrete importer could be found for a given dataset, as this will usually result in (sometimes hard to detect) downstream problems.

* :class:`` adds a history record to :attr:`aspecd.dataset.Dataset.tasks`.

* :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter1D` and :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlotter1D` issue warning with log plotters and negative values.

* :class:`aspecd.annotation.DatasetAnnotation` has been renamed from ``Annotation`` to reflect the fact that there are now plot annotations as well.


* New example: :doc:`Plotting FTIR spectra normalised to spectral feature <examples/ftir>`
* Section with :ref:`general tips and tricks for styling plotters <sec:plotting:tips_tricks>`.


* :meth:`aspecd.utils.ToDictMixin.to_dict` does not traverse settings for properties to exclude and include.
* Workaround for :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig` not correctly handling figure DPI settings.



Released 2023-09-08


* Exporter tasks (:class:`aspecd.tasks.ExportTask`) automatically save datasets with default name if no target is provided.
* Correct setting of contour plot properties with newer versions of Matplotlib


* :class:`aspecd.processing.Interpolation` changed interpolation method for 2D data from deprecated :class:`scipy.interpolate.interp2d` to :class:`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`

New features

* :class:`aspecd.processing.Interpolation` works for *N*\ D datasets with arbitrary dimension *N*
* :class:`aspecd.tasks.Recipe` with new setting ``autosave_datasets`` (default: ``True``)



Released 2023-08-24


* Handling of too long filenames when saving plots: the filename is replaced by its MD5 hash.

New features

* New setting ``default_colormap`` in recipes.
* Property ``colormap`` in :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlot2DProperties`, allowing for consistently setting (default) colormaps for 2D surface plots within a recipe.



Released 2023-08-11


* New section on :doc:`metadata during data acquisition <metadata>`
* New section with :doc:`examples <examples/index>`
* New section with :doc:`data publications <examples/data-publications>`


* Baseline correction in :class:`aspecd.processing.BaselineCorrection` issues warning if more than 100% of the data are used and resets to 50% on each side.
* Recipe history contains importer parameters



Released 2023-03-26

New features

* Plotting

* MultiPlotter1D can use colormaps for coloring multiple lines
* Number of columns can be set for legends of plots

* Processing steps

* New class :class:`aspecd.processing.SliceRemoval` for removing slices from a ND dataset with N>1.
* New class :class:`aspecd.processing.RelativeAxis` for converting an axis into a relative axis, centred about a (given) origin.


* Interpolation in :class:`aspecd.processing.Interpolation` works correctly if axis range is given and no corresponding axis point exists in the original dataset.

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