
Latest version: v0.11.0

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Released 2022-06-12

New features

* Reference to publication in documentation and colophon of reports.



Released 2022-01-30

New features

* :class:`aspecd.tasks.FigurereportTask` for creating figure captions that can, *e.g.*, be included in other documents
* Attributes ``labelspacing`` and ``fontsize`` in :class:`aspecd.plotting.LegendProperties`
* Attribute ``output`` in :class:`aspecd.tasks.ModelTask` controlling the type of output returned (dataset or model)
* Method :meth:`aspecd.model.Model.evaluate` for fast evaluation of models without any checks (useful in context of fitting)
* Attribute ``dataset_type`` in :class:`aspecd.analysis.AnalysisStep` to define type of calculated dataset that gets returned
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlotter1D` and :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlotter1DStacked` with parameter "tight" for tight axes and "switch_axes" for switching axes
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter1D` with parameter "switch_axes" for switching axes
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.AxesProperties`: angles of the axes tick labels can be set using the ``xticklabelangle`` and ``yticklabelangle`` properties


* :class:`aspecd.processing.SliceExtraction` sets dataset label to slice position
* :class:`aspecd.processing.Averaging` sets dataset label to averaging range


* Dataset importer does not override dataset label.
* AnalysisSteps assign data to _origdata attribute if result is dataset
* MultiprocessingTask correctly sets label of resulting datasets



Released 2021-11-25


* New attribute ``comment`` in :class:`aspecd.tasks.Task`, :class:``, :class:`aspecd.plotting.Plotter`, :class:`` allowing for storing user-supplied comments


* Warnings issued during cooking of a recipe are now log messages.



Released 2021-11-24


* :class:`` adds template loader for package if :attr:`` is provided, allowing to override templates from the ASpecD framework within derived packages.
* :class:`aspecd.tasks.ReportTask` passes through the default package from the recipe to the reporter for overriding templates.
* :class:`aspecd.infofile.Infofile`: Comment gets converted into a single string
* Dependency change: Jinja >= 3.0
* :class:`` handles decimal separator different than dot


* :class:`aspecd.tasks.Task` warns if key in dict (recipe) is no property of the task.
* :class:`aspecd.processing.DatasetAlgebra` returns shape in error message if shapes differ.
* Processing and analysis tasks issue warning if result name is identical to dataset label
* Ensure window length for Savitzky-Golay filter in :class:`aspecd.processing.Filtering` to always be odd
* :class:`aspecd.processing.CommonRangeExtraction` ignores unit of last axis (*i.e.*, intensity) when checking for identical units
* :class:`aspecd.utils.ToDictMixin`: Added superclass call to preserve mro in dependent subclasses
* Tasks properly handle non-dataset results from recipe
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.MultiPlotter` sets axis labels when units are empty
* :class:`aspecd.processing.Normalisation` removes unit from last axis
* :class:`aspecd.processing.BaselineCorrection` handles zero values in range properly
* :class:`aspecd.analysis.AggregateAnalysisStep` no longer adds ``datasets`` and ``result`` to output of ``to_dict()``
* :class:`aspecd.tasks.AggregatedAnalysisTask` sets correct type in output of ``to_dict()``
* :class:`aspecd.tasks.ReportTask` does not add empty figure filenames to includes
* :class:`aspecd.Tasks.PlotTask` preserves labels of drawings
* Recipe history does not contain path to current directory in dataset source



Released 2021-11-16


* New parameter ``ytickcount`` for :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter2DStacked` to control maximum number of yticks
* New parameter ``tight_layout`` for :class:`aspecd.plotting.Plotter` to prevent labels from getting clipped


* Recipe containing a MultiplotTask does not contain datasets as dicts
* PlotTask with automatically generated filenames and >1 datasets writes correct filenames to figure record in recipe
* CompositePlotter sets plot style of plotters
* Grammar in ``dataset.tex`` template
* Colophon of report via ReportTask contains default package set in recipe
* CompositePlotter does not add plotters of subfigures to list of dataset representations and list of dataset tasks
* Escaping of "_" in LaTeX templates



Released 2021-11-10


* ReportTask works with output directory set in recipe
* LatexReporter finds templates with relative path
* Yaml handles numpy floats and ints
* ProcessingTask handles multiple datasets, SinglePlotTask automatically generated figure filenames with multiple datasets
* ProcessingTask no longer tries to deep-copy matplotlib objects
* Replacing dataset labels in recipes works with dataset ids/source

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