Released 2021-11-05
New features
* Reports
* Templates for reporting information contained in datasets come bundled with ASpecD.
* Context contains ``templates_dir`` allowing to include sub-templates.
* New class :class:`TxtReporter` for plain text reports
* Tasks/Recipe-driven data analysis
* YAML representation of recipe and tasks via :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Recipe.to_yaml` and :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Task.to_yaml`
* Figure labels can be set in plotters; otherwise a default label will be set and can be accessed from within reports.
* Utils
* :func:`change_working_dir` can be used as context manager to temporarily change the working directory.
* General
* :meth:`aspecd.utils.ToDictMixin.to_dict` can optionally remove keys with empty values.
* ``to_dict()`` method in :class:`aspecd.processing.ProcessingStep`, :class:`aspecd.analysis.AnalysisStep`, :class:`aspecd.annotation.Annotation`, :class:`aspecd.plotting.Plotter`, :class:`aspecd.table.Table`, :class:`aspecd.report.Reporter`, :class:`aspecd.model.Model`
* Models
* Axes quantities and units can be explicitly set on model creation.
* Dataset labels do not contain source path.
* Recipe dataset_source and output directories are no longer converted to absolute paths.
* More complete recipe history for tasks, including more of their properties
* Recipe-driven data analysis: Figures get added to recipe with default label if no label is provided.
* :class:`aspecd.processing.Noise`: explicit noise amplitude can be given.
* Model can add label to created dataset.
* ModelTask adds result label as id to result.
* Plotter: Default figure size changed to (6., 4.) inch
* :meth:`aspecd.tasks.Task.to_yaml` serialises numpy arrays
* Datasets from foreign packages are correctly listed in recipe history
* :func:`aspecd.utils.copy_keys_between_dicts` properly traverses
* :class:`aspecd.utils.Yaml` handles :class:`numpy.double`
* Recipe-driven data analysis: automatically generated figure filenames get added to recipe figure record
* Models work now correctly when based on a dataset
* :class:`aspecd.model.FamilyOfCurves` sets correct values for additional axis
* :class:`aspecd.processing.Differentiation` works correctly for 2D datasets
* :class:`aspecd.processing.Noise`: normalisation works with >1D datasets
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter2DStacked`: ylabel is set to third axis if offset = 0