* Expose --min-frequency and --min-contaminant-match-frac options to 'detect -d heuristic' command. * Expose --min-kmer-match-frac option to 'detect -d known' command. * Fixed 35: using incorrect metric to determine match fraction in 'detect -d known' command.
* Fixed 34: JSON report output not working with SRA streaming.
* Improve debugging messages
* Fix 30: failure when using --preserve-order option
* Add --config option for specifying options in a config file. * Fix for 29: allow paired-end quality and N trimming without adapter trimming. * Removed twine register command from make release
* Stream reads directly from an SRA accession for any atropos command using the -sra option. * Add detect option to specify the bases that signify when the sequencer has read past the end of a fragment.