* New 'qc' command computes read-level statistics.
* The 'trim' command can also compute read-level statistic pre- and/or post-trimming using the new '--stats' option.
* Major refactoring and improvement of reporting:
* Text report now has data lined up in columns.
* Reports can also be generated in JSON, YAML, and pickle formats.
* Added optional dependency on jinja2, which enables generating reports using templates (including user-defined).
* Major internal code reorganization.
* Static code analysis (pylint).
* Switched to pytest for testing.
* Command-specific help will now show with 'atropos <command>' or 'atropos <command> -h'
* Fixed adapter masking in InsertAligner (issue 7; thanks lllaaa).
* Added developer/contributor documentation and guidelines.
* Implemented Atropos module for MultiQC, which reads reports in JSON format. This is currently available [here](http://github.com/jdidion/atropos-multiqc) and will hopefully soon be merged into MultiQC.
* Ported some recent enhancments over from Cutadapt.