
Latest version: v0.65.0

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- Initialising of `seq sync get` manifest file for empty list of sequences

- Improvements to auto-generation of proforma template
- Allow CLI version check to be skipped

- Added commands to disable and enable fields


- Revert semver dependency to fix runtime error


- Several changes have been made to support more types of sequence data (see below).
These changes involve backwards-incompatible changes to syntax. Sequence data types are now:
- fastq-ill-pe - paired-end Illuminq FASTQ data (previously called fastq)
- fastq-ill-se - single-end Illumina FASTQ data
- fastq-ont - Oxford Nanopore FASTQ data
- fasta-asm - FASTA assembly, may be multi-contig
- fasta-cns - single-contig consensus FASTA sequence (previously called fasta)
- The `seq add` command has been updated to support more types of sequence data.
The syntax for uploading single-contig consensus sequences is now `austrakka seq add fasta-cns seqs.fasta`.
The syntax for uploading other types of sequence data is now `austrakka seq add <seqtype> files.csv`.
- The `seq sync get` and `seq get` commands have been updated to support more types of sequence data.
It is now possible to sync multiple types of sequence data from the same group or project to the same output directory.
Sequences will now be downloaded to a subdirectory specific to the sequence type, i.e. <seq_id>/<seqtype>/<file> .
Each sequence type will have a separate state and manifest file.
In the case of fasta-cns data, the aggregated sequence file, previously named all.fasta, is now named consensus.fasta .
- It is now possible to list sequences by sample with the `seq list` command, using a `-s` parameter.
- The admin `seq purge` command now requires a `-t` parameter to specify the sequence type.


- Changed `field update` command to use PATCH instead of PUT, inline with a server change.


- Changed `user update` command to no longer modify the user's roles.

- Fixed crash in `project field add` command.


- New `proforma generate` command to generate an XLSX proforma draft.

- Removed redundant retries for `Not Found: 404` or `Conflict: 409` responses.

- `project metadata get` now outputs to stdout rather than writing to a file.
- `project metadata get` and `metadata get` now default to CSV output.
- Improved the way `field list` outputs valid values.

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