* feature:``aws cloudfront``: Update the ``aws cloudfront`` command to the latest version.
* feature:``aws redshift``: Update the ``aws redshift`` command to latest version.
* feature:``aws glacier``: Add support for tagging.
* feature:``aws opsworks``: Update the ``aws opsworks`` command to latest version.
* feature:``aws config``: Add support for users to specify which types of supported resources AWS Config records for tracking configuration changes.
* feature:``aws deploy``: Adds support for deployments to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) instances.
* feature:``aws machinelearning wait``: Add ``data-source-available``, ``ml-model-available``, ``evaluation-available``, and ``batch-prediction-available`` waiter commands. (`botocore issue 544 <https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/544>`__)
* feature:``aws route53 wait``: Add ``resource-record-sets-changed`` waiter command. (`botocore issue 543 <https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/543>`__)