* feature:``aws ec2 describe-volumes``: Add support for optional pagination.
* feature:``aws route53domains``: Add support for auto-renew domains.
* feature:``aws cognito-identity``: Add for Open-ID Connect.
* feature:``aws sts``: Add support for Open-ID Connect
* feature:``aws iam``: Add support for Open-ID Connect
* bugfix:``aws s3 sync``: Fix issue when uploading with ``--exact-timestamps`` (`issue 964 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/pull/964>`__)
* bugfix:Retry: Fix issue where certain error codes were not being retried (`botocore issue 361 <https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/361>`__)
* bugfix:``aws emr ssh``: Fix issue when using waiter interface to wait on the cluster state (`issue 954 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/pull/954>`__)