* feature:``aws ec2 wait image-available``: Add support for polling until an EC2 image is available (`issue 1105 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/1105>`__)
* feature:``aws ec2 wait``: Add support for additional EC2 waiters including ``instance-status-ok``, ``password-data-available``, ``spot-instance-request-fulfilled``, and ``system-status-ok``
* feature:``aws s3api``: Add support for Amazon S3 cross region replication
* feature:``aws s3api``: Add support for Amazon S3 requester pays (`issue 797 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/797>`__)
* bugfix:Tab Completion: Fix issue where tab completion could not handle an ``LC_CTYPE`` of ``UTF-8`` (`issue 1233 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/pull/1233>`__)
* bugfix:``aws s3api put-bucket-notification``: Fix issue where an empty notification configuration could not be specified (`botocore issue 495 <https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/495>`__)
* bugfix:``aws cloudfront``: Fix issue when calling cloudfront commands (`issue 1234 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/1234>`__)
* bugfix:``aws ec2 copy-snapshot``: Fix issue with the ``aws ec2 copy-snapshot`` command not correctly generating the presigned url argument (`botocore issue 498 <https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/498>`__)